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Fine Arts
hehe, more "fine arts", this is gunna be cool
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
Woah guys, all of these are amazing!
"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of their skin, or their background or their religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
~Nelson Mandela
Even on the old fora,I was just stunned by all the great designs/drawings/...

I can just never acomplish what you guys do

great stuff!
Let the STEAK rule!!!
my pastel creative concept called "UFO"

i love this thread please dont let it die !!!! i demand to see more art people... dont be shy...its a freedom of expression
Ign : BigAssMofo

Joined HT in 2015
MIA since 2017
Back in Action: 2024

Not me, but a certain person on the server when they were younger, their name starts with an S and ends with a arahx

Sorry about that whole “shooting you” thing, but I know if you look deep into your heart, which is currently all over that tree, you’ll find a way to forgive me.

[Image: GU8OFOr.png]
Isnt much art here yet so i decided i woul post..
My friends saw this and said i was fcked up and need help but eh
[Image: pf7VdxX.jpg]
[Image: QLHqBA6.jpg]
Days since veo last sucked my dick: 0
Times Veo has sucked my dick: 1
Not mine, but I felt it was worthy of this thread (it's my friend, she was all over the news for a while xD).

(02-03-2016, 12:04 PM)Wrexial33 Wrote: Not me, but a certain person on the server when they were younger, their name starts with an S and ends with a arahx


That is one of the best things I have ever seen. I have never laughed so much a one video :')

So over the last two or three days, I have spent my time painting this...

[Image: M5v0PDc.jpg]
- KatNip
(Just to point out, Maddz, Cookie's original thread did include all forms of art: physical, musical, 2-D, 3-D, virtual, sculptural, mental, um cook-ial, etc. It was for anything and everything You think is a fine art, including things others have done in addition to your own works.  It's just that most people who added to it did "paintings, physical drawings, digital drawings, and even some photography.") Let's see this thread take off even better than the first!

http://imgur.com/a/n2jQU -Sarahx
Nice photos, Newfemale. Really like the fox.  Did you happen to take it yourself?

Clam, you do need help :p but really, nice hand.  You've more creativity than those friends of yours if they can't appreciate such sketches.

Katne!  So much green! Came out great.

Haven't done much recently, but I'm quite pleased with my slush-day photos from earlier this week: http://imgur.com/a/YBv05
Snow storm watch ended up with icicle trees having a light coating of snow on top. Absolutely stunning! Buuut...I don't carry my camera around with me to class, so I only ended up taking pictures of a hill 'bout a mile off through my window.   The snowy one is from the morning, the clear-ish one from later. Same trees, kind of.
I've not been doing much sketching recently, nor much good...but I did attempt owls for the first time. Branch one is random, shadowed cave one is based on a picture: http://imgur.com/a/goDyU
Also drew one of Kiru's relatives: [Image: hJoNbgv.jpg?1]
(02-18-2016, 07:05 PM)ThatChicken1 Wrote: http://imgur.com/a/n2jQU -Sarahx
Nice photos, Newfemale. Really like the fox.  Did you happen to take it yourself?

I did take it myself :3 It was over winter break 2014, and I liked the picture so much I got it blown up on a canvas, and now it hangs in my room :'))

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