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Land Claims Getting Silly
Seems to me the Idea of "Claimed" is going to cause the staff extra work to settle land disputes when they could be building/playing and helping (and banning douche bags)

If you dont have the claim blocks to set a 10 x 10 every 100 blocks then Why would you start a "GRAND" project.

And then there is the ice spike biome....the only place to get non craftable packed ice
I could not fined 1 (NOT 1) protected claim. Just a bunch of signs....... But yet the biome is marked as claimed,and a cheap lava dome to keep people out....... Not a part, the whole damn thing.

Seems the "Rules" need to be clear on this subject. It may save the staff from having to babysit BS claims.
And a monopoly on a rare Biome......without protection I call this claim BS.

Botom line (If you can't protect it....its not yours)

{Rant over}
I myself have claimed an area of land 170 blocks by 260. This is because i know i'm going to use this space to build multiple buildings for myself, with no intention of selling. I had a huge area of land in the last world for my town about 2700 x 1000. this time though i don't intend to build a town, just having fun making builds. I have placed signs around my marked area, with the intention you can build just the other side of the sign not 100 blocks from it. I have 4 neighbours around me and one side is the world border. The reason I "claimed" this area Is because I know i'm going to use the whole space and wanted to nip build 100 block radius wars in the bud. I have started to use the claim blocks to claim officially, but it takes time.
This is just my explanation for my actions, it's not being greedy just enjoying the game myself.
[Image: mclogic.jpg]
Taking full biomes is rude -- especially rare biomes. Taking more than you need is rude. And rare biomes -- you corner the market, or everything is taken and Frost will put in a resource world -- there goes your monopoly.

Build a 2x2 pillar for a claim and you get a 202 x 202 area by default. BUT pick what you need and build a wall around it with signs allowing others to build to the wall. Most bases/homes don't need more than 160 x 160, *unless you are building a town*.

A base or home works best with everything within afk distance -- you don't need more than about 160 x 160 for this.

The view distance has been around 6 chunks, or 76 blocks, for ages -- you can only /afk a 153 x 153 area with that. I rounded up the 160 x 160 and aligned the 10 x 10 chunks on the chunk boundary -- gives me 100 chunks with 40 mob limit each -- max of 4000 animals/villagers/mobs. Because Frost may lower the view distance to 4 if lag gets too bad, all the most important afk operations should be keep in the center 129 x 129. I don't expect the view distance to get bigger than 6 or 7 -- Frost will just let more players on instead.

In the old world, I had 6 large bases (from 64x64 to 200x200). I had at least 6 smaller bases which were around 32x32 and 40 animal delivery depots (1 chunk each -- 16x16) scattered every 5,000 blocks. And I had 2 towns. Note that these dozen bases were developed one by one over 2 years of playing. I allowed others to build to my boundary fences/walls. Same with my 40,000+ long railroad.

The scattered bases were frustrating because things grew, mob-dropped and breed only when I was at each base.

I vowed in this new world to have 1 main base with everything in afk distance of my centered home. The main base will remain private and I will create other bases for public use or paid access use. Still need animal delivery depots but the new world is small, I don't need 64 depots -- 8 will do to start. Don't need a 40,000 block rail in the main world if I can use 5,000 blocks of rail in the Nether (8:1 ratio) to connect the same points. I do have a nether fortress claimed which I plan to develop into 2 public blaze farms and wither skeleton farm -- may leave the area only partially developed with the lower spawn rates because hovering over the blaze spawners and hunting mobs as they appear is relaxing Smile

In this new world, I marked out a 160 x 160 square that is 1/2 desert (including a village) and 1/2 ocean for my single main base. I have claimed 17k blocks by golden shovel so far of the 25.6k blocks in the 160x160 area. And I will claim 160x160 in deep ocean when I am ready to build my public access farms -- hopefully butted up to my other claim. But I will put a border wall around the claims and allow others to build/claim to the border rather than claim 100 blocks out from the wall. Note that I am still deciding how far to claim in each direction of my main base -- decision based on any other spawners we find in the abandoned mine -- really want a skelly spawner -- I won't be surprised if I end up with something like 200 x 200 and put a colored sheep farm and my tree plantations away from the center.

There are 3 other players sharing my base with me and we have some large operations in progress -- villager trading supported by massive farms, animal sales, 3 slime chunks to develop, 2 cave spider spawners to develop. These need to be spread out due to the 40 mob chunk cap. WE STILL FIT IN LESS THAN A DEFAULT 202 x 202 claim.

I will extend my claim as I buy claim blocks and only marked the minimum size I need for this main base. If I can raise the money and no one has built nearby, I will expand to a max of 320 x 320 -- four (4) afk areas -- 3 for public farms and one will remain private -- could be 160 x 640 or any other shape using 4 squares. I am not worried about being boxed in, because with /home and /warp, I can put a second 160 x 160 base anywhere when I am ready to expand. Just nice to have them all together.

Note that the 4 of us will be creating a town, for others to buy into, elsewhere in the world which will be 500 x 500 or so in size -- my main base is an industrial area -- this time I want the surface to remain nice looking and put everything underground. That lets me build a nice castle home with pretty views in each direction to the view distance limit. And as I putter around my base, all the afk actions continue -- growing, breeding, mob-dropping, etc.
I haven't played multiplayer that long, so this is going to sound like a noob, but...

I find the whole claim and protection business confusing. I have been very careful with my builds, going out in the wilderness, walking the area looking for other builds, then using my golden shovel to protect a plot and building within those borders.

But, reading in the forums, it appears "protecting" and "claiming" are two different things. Apparently you can claim land just by putting up a sign or wall or pillar. I've searched the forum and rules and (maybe I've missed it) I can't find that officially spelled out, but many players seem to consider it the rule.

A while back I circled the border of the world, visiting all four corners. The border is transparent, so you can see what lies beyond, even though you can't visit. In one spot, an Ocean Monument was just across the border. Someone had put up a sign, claiming it, even though it can't be reached. What is the point of that? But, on the accessible side of the border, that sign has made everything within 100 blocks unusable.

The hundred block rule is a pain, too, since there is no easy way to tell if you are building within 100 blocks of claimed land. A command like "nearest_claim" that would list the distance and owner would be nice.

(07-01-2017, 08:24 PM)TEO Wrote: I haven't played multiplayer that long, so this is going to sound like a noob, but...

I find the whole claim and protection business confusing. I have been very careful with my builds, going out in the wilderness, walking the area looking for other builds, then using my golden shovel to protect a plot and building within those borders.

But, reading in the forums, it appears "protecting" and "claiming" are two different things. Apparently you can claim land just by putting up a sign or wall or pillar. I've searched the forum and rules and (maybe I've missed it) I can't find that officially spelled out, but many players seem to consider it the rule.

A while back I circled the border of the world, visiting all four corners. The border is transparent, so you can see what lies beyond, even though you can't visit. In one spot, an Ocean Monument was just across the border. Someone had put up a sign, claiming it, even though it can't be reached. What is the point of that? But, on the accessible side of the border, that sign has made everything within 100 blocks unusable.

The hundred block rule is a pain, too, since there is no easy way to tell if you are building within 100 blocks of claimed land. A command like "nearest_claim" that would list the distance and owner would be nice.


Well, I agree the sea monument thing seems kind of silly.  Frost may expand the borders at some point, making such places accessible, but I don't think it's very fair for people to claim stuff on the other side before that happens.  That's just my opinion, though; I have no idea whether there's an official policy covering that.

Yes, the generally accepted rule is that you can stake out a large area of land by putting down pillars, at least 3x3 block "noob huts" or signs (ETA: I stand corrected) every 100 blocks or so.  This does not guarantee absolute, permanent ownership; it can be challenged, if such an area has been left sitting idle for a long time.  Any such challenge is handled by the staff on a case-by-case basis.

You can, incidentally, also contact the person who put up the markers to negotiate.  They may be willing to release part of the area in question if they haven't used it as they expected, or to allow you to build within it.  It's also possible that they've been absent long enough that the area may be deemed abandoned by staff, and available for others to build in again.  No guarantees, of course, but if there's a spot where you really want to build within someone else's borders, it's certainly worth checking.  (If the owner isn't named by a sign or by any claim blocks in the vicinity, you can use the /cinfo command to check a door, chest, or other lockable item, or staff may be able to tell you who placed blocks in the area.)

As far as determining whether you're within a hundred blocks: 100 block equals 6.25 chunks.  Hit F3+G to turn on chunk borders and count them off.  If you're at least six and a half chunks from anyone's build in any direction (allowing a small margin of error,) you should be good.  My understanding is that the rule is not enforced for deep underground builds, though basements and other large structures that are fairly close to the surface could complicate matters (thus, such a build might be one of the cases where actually using claim blocks would be a good idea.)
A sign does not equal ownership. You can't claim land with a sign. Also you can always ask the person permission to build near them.
I think Frost himself claimed that A sign or a pillar does not claim or protect anything. I'm honestly pretty sick and tired of these greedy claims that old (and inactive) players have set up. A legit build such as a house, claims an area with a radius of 100 blocks and I think the golden shovel claims do so as well. And to furthermore add, You can't claim in the Resource worlds. A player known as something Wolfe's had claimed a large and city and it was raided because moi and a couple of bois were told my staff that claiming with a sign and 9 blocks is just greedy. Be sure to raid the end cities On sight in the next End Rush bois. Also, making a wall or a sign in a resource world or resend isnt gonna do anything HOWEVER! There are certain places in resource worlds which shouldn't be broken. certain examples of these are the parrot and ocelot farms in the new resource world and Rowe's public mine. It's pretty common sense what should and shouldn't be done, but leaving gray areas can lead to people being taken advantage of and people being misinformed and trespassing/breaking the rules.
As I understand it claims are as follows: a claim is either a section of land marked by a golden shovel protection claim plus a 100 block radius around the outside of said protection, or marked by a structure that is at least 3 blocks wide by 3 blocks long and can be viewed by a player walking across the land. In the case of a 3x3 structure the same 100 block radius applies. If a player wishes to claim more than that they need to erect additional 3x3 structures every 100 blocks to extend that claim but they cannot do that within 100 blocks of another claim, nor can they do that to ridiculous extremes. Many people do mark the edge of their claims with 1x1 pillars and signs but these do not technically count as claims themselves, nor do crafting tables, furnaces, beds, or chests.

If a player has a claim and is inactive/banned/or otherwise not around for several months (the last time this came up I believe the number was 4 months), other players may petition staff to take over that area on a case by case basis. If you are allowed to usurp lands that are considered abandoned staff will possibly roll back the area, wiping the old builds away, again on a case by case basis. In truth this should not be necessary most of the time as there is still a lot of land available on the server.

At the same time, if staff feels that someone has overstepped their claim area (claimed more land that they are truly going to use), they are within their rights to inform that person they need to pull back and allow others to take possession of some areas. Again on a case by case basis.

Additionally, if you are having trouble looking for a piece of land to call your own, ask around. There are several people on the server with VIP flying perks who might just be willing to help you find a spot and scout around to make sure you have a 100 block radius from builds. I, myself, have done this on several occasions for new players. There are also places like /warp noobtown where new players can stay until they find a place of their own and towns who welcome having new people live there. So ask around on the chat. Finding your own chunk of land should not be a cause for frustration or fights.

Of course claim disputes are going to happen. When they do, it's up to staff to deal with them. Keep in mind that if you are rude, argumentative, or whinny it's less likely that staff will render a decision that you are happy with. Also, if you simply decide that you want someone else's land and start building there, or start building within the 100 block radius don't be too surprised if you are told to move or log in to find your build gone because the land owner requested a roll back.

Everyone here is on the server to have a good time. No one wants to spend days in frustration trying to find somewhere to make their home/base/town/etc. So don't. If you are having trouble finding what you are looking for and /rand is failing you ask on chat. Chances are someone knows a spot, like what you are looking for, that is not in use or might even have a chunk of land claimed that they are willing to part with. And if other player's don't have suggestions for you, there is a chance people might help you look.
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.
In general cases, signs can only be used to claim things like villages and structures which someone has found first AND has plans to use. This also goes for the shovel claims - claims that were made just to have valuable claims with no intent to use them will not be honored in the event of a dispute, a rule we had to enact because some people were quite fond of taking land they weren't even building in. That does NOT mean you can freely ignore signs and go in and wreck up the place - oftentimes people will put a sign or claim a spot just to let others know they have plans for the area, so maybe they just placed the sign and had to leave, or are busy preparing things to work on said area i.e. constructing a transport rail or gathering building blocks.

For example, I remember I had a Nether fortress claimed with signs somewhere because I intended to build a farm there, as well as an ocean temple I claimed because I had trapped an elder guardian within and was thinking about what to do with it, but then I became too busy to play. That is not the same thing as me flying around sticking signs on every fortress and temple so that I can have a monopoly.

Furthermore, players are not allowed to claim areas on the resource worlds, but maliciously destroying other people's things, such as wrecking rails or stealing beacons, is still classified as grief.

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