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Ban Appeal RS_Beifong/
Big Grin 
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: RS_Beifong

Reason for your ban: "Banned by hiyoko for grief, diamond theft."

Who banned you: Hiyoko (is what the server/error/login screen says)

Why should you be unbanned: okay so let me just explain this  Big Grin  i have been playing minecraft for a few weeks, my girlfriend really likes this game and was like, "hey come play on this server i played forever on this server". So yeah, i check out this hometown server, i'm having fun, it takes forever mining blocks, everything... you all know how it is.
i'm trying out a bunch of warps, i dont have a clue which one i tried but i end up on this platform with a few diamond blocks placed in like a square, me being a noob, i was like "hey let me see if i can break these " Tongue so yeah, i break one and then i'm like oh shit... do i get in trouble for this?? so i think to myself... if i replace it with a cobblestone maybe they wont notice... but then i notice there is only one block of diamond missing, so everyone would notice that.. so me being a freshy/noob i decide to punch out all the diamond blocks and replace them with cobblestone, hoping nobody would notice  Big Grin i didnt need the diamonds, hell i didnt even use them for anything, i probably dumped them in a chest in my house somewhere...  Tongue
so anyway, long story short, i try to hide my one block crime, and i end up destroying about 10 blocks or so? i think. and now my girlfriend is going to kill me in real life if she finds out. so an unblock would be appreciated and i wont do it again Heart

Why do you want to come back: because its a fun server with helpfull people and i dont want to die when my girl finds out ive been banned. thank you for considering (i will even give them back if that helps, or delete them from my inventory, i have no idea how this stuff works)

also, sorry if my english isnt perfect, its not my first language, thanks anyway

now that i think of it, i might have stolen a bed also the first day i played on the server... sorry
if someone could at least look at this ban appeal that would be great, since i have seen other people get a response and i have been waiting patiently...

5. Be patient and mature: if you explode on us or disrespect us, you won't get unbanned. Period. Also, make sure that you patiently wait for a staff member to review your appeal. Posting "hello? anyone there?" over and over will not make the process any faster.

Also, unless a step in is required, only the parson who banned you will reply to your appeal. Give hiyoko time, he will see this.

[Image: 7bNhSIS.png]
(02-01-2018, 12:48 AM)victorycry Wrote: https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3

5. Be patient and mature: if you explode on us or disrespect us, you won't get unbanned. Period. Also, make sure that you patiently wait for a staff member to review your appeal. Posting "hello? anyone there?" over and over will not make the process any faster.

Also, unless a step in is required, only the parson who banned you will reply to your appeal. Give hiyoko time, he will see this.

i'm patient, i posted the reply in a respectfull manner i think, i just dont like the idea of waiting around for a week because i took one block, thanks for the reply at least
[Image: rSc0XOu.png]

[Image: 13ISQTB.png]

My reply to you? Be patient. I wanted to post the Michael Scott gif of him just screaming no, because I can't believe you compared waiting A DAY to waiting a week. The staff member that banned you hasn't had a chance to reply yet. It's not their fault you broke the explicitly stated rules of the server, but they had to respond and help the person you took the time to grief. You broke more than "a single block", you admitted to stealing 10 diamond blocks. That's 90 diamonds you stole, or $4,500. That being said, you can wait until they have time to respond, and I assure you, we respond as soon as we have time.
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
(02-01-2018, 01:41 AM)Star Wrote: [Image: rSc0XOu.png]

[Image: 13ISQTB.png]

My reply to you? Be patient. I wanted to post the Michael Scott gif of him just screaming no, because I can't believe you compared waiting A DAY to waiting a week. The staff member that banned you hasn't had a chance to reply yet. It's not their fault you broke the explicitly stated rules of the server, but they had to respond and help the person you took the time to grief. You broke more than "a single block", you admitted to stealing 10 diamond blocks. That's 90 diamonds you stole, or $4,500. That being said, you can wait until they have time to respond, and I assure you, we respond as soon as we have time.
4500??  Big Grin  damn and i cant believe i just crammed that in a chest... anyway, as i said, i meant no harm by the message, and i try to be patient, its just that i am on not at home/out of the country and i have very little else to do in the evening besides playing minecraft on my half assed laptop (on this server)...
and in all honesty when i broke the first one i didnt understand at all how it was even possible to break these blocks (and also, i really doubt i got 90 diamonds out of it? it was diamond ore, maybe that was written wrong by me, apologies for that.) ...and as i stated, i would gladly give anything back that i got out of it
Your initial story is quite inconsistent.

Your claim is that you attempted to see if you could break blocks on the platform, in which you stated the block you broke  [first] was a diamond ore. That is incorrect.  As indicated in the following figure, you first removed and placed the same spruce fence.
[Image: b2203246f0.jpg]

So upon breaking the first diamond ore, your intentions were clear. 
Further examinations show that mining was your intention. The time of the break was calculated to be on January 26, 2018 at approximately 11:25 PST. Luckily chat logs were donated. Below are the extracted and filtered logs. 
[Image: 2a07af4fbd.png]
The first red box indicates that you were asking for a mining warp, in which the place you griefed is not listed. The second red box indicates that you left [assumingly] right after you mined the diamonds. The approximate time of grief is well within this time period.
The place you griefed also has 2 warning signs, one which told you to leave the area. And to not trespass or grief the area. 

Given the benefit of the doubt that you did accidentally mine the diamond. As indicated in the chat figure above, you did not seem to ask for help in fixing the grief, from anyone online at the time, or afterwards. Secondly, you did not make any attempt as fixing your accidental break, you immediately replaced the blocks you broke with cobblestone. 

Indicated below is the average price of a single diamond ore along with your balance.
[Image: bc52c3441a.png]

Lastly, I do not see the sincerity in your recent post. If you wish be unbanned for grief, theft and lying to staff, please write a paragraph as to why all these three things are inappropriate.
(02-01-2018, 10:41 AM)Hiyoko Wrote: Your initial story is quite inconsistent.

Your claim is that you attempted to see if you could break blocks on the platform, in which you stated the block you broke  [first] was a diamond ore. That is incorrect.  As indicated in the following figure, you first removed and placed the same spruce fence.
[Image: b2203246f0.jpg]

So upon breaking the first diamond ore, your intentions were clear. 
Further examinations show that mining was your intention. The time of the break was calculated to be on January 26, 2018 at approximately 11:25 PST. Luckily chat logs were donated. Below are the extracted and filtered logs. 
[Image: 2a07af4fbd.png]
The first red box indicates that you were asking for a mining warp, in which the place you griefed is not listed. The second red box indicates that you left [assumingly] right after you mined the diamonds. The approximate time of grief is well within this time period.
The place you griefed also has 2 warning signs, one which told you to leave the area. And to not trespass or grief the area. 

Given the benefit of the doubt that you did accidentally mine the diamond. As indicated in the chat figure above, you did not seem to ask for help in fixing the grief, from anyone online at the time, or afterwards. Secondly, you did not make any attempt as fixing your accidental break, you immediately replaced the blocks you broke with cobblestone. 

Indicated below is the average price of a single diamond ore along with your balance.
[Image: bc52c3441a.png]

Lastly, I do not see the sincerity in your recent post. If you wish be unbanned for grief, theft and lying to staff, please write a paragraph as to why all these three things are inappropriate.

wow, i'm not shure what you are trying to pull here? as i stated, i broke the blocks and did not use them for anything, they are still in a chest in my house. so what does the balance of my account have to do with that? i have sold crappy blocks like andesite etc for this money in /warp shop(? i think it was, the same place you can buy all the heads, i bought a pikachu and an ash ketchum head in that shop)
and yes, as i clearly said in the post above, i replaced these blocks with cobblestone so you wouldnt fall through into instant death. as for the fence, i dont even remember that. since this is a casual server, i dont see any reason for remembering every single step i take. and yes, i asked for mining warps, yet i believe this was after i broke this block? no? anyway, i am sort of getting the feeling you mods are feeling a little high and mighty here, with all due respect, i see no need to write a damn paragraph because you assume i got all my money from these diamonds (which i still have in my chest, as i said multiple times before).

please stop acting like people who get banned for things are children and need to write an essay as punishment,
i am 27 years old, i know i did not have the right to take those blocks, yet i did. i clearly posted in my original appael that this was a large mistake on my part, and yet i did nothing with these diamonds, no crafting, no sale, they are simply in storage. i would have put them back, (just like the fence, as you said i apparently did), but i have no idea how to turn diamonds into diamond ore, since i havent played for that long.

so next time, with all due respect, please dont threat people like children. i clearly stated i am willing to give anything back that i took, and i was in no right to take these in the first place.

looking forward to hear from you,
best regards.
(01-31-2018, 02:23 AM)RS_Beifong Wrote: Why sould you be unbanned: okay so let me just explain this  Big Grin  i have been playing minecraft for a few weeks, my girlfriend really likes this game and was like, "hey come play on this server i played forever on this server". So yeah, i check out this hometown server, i'm having fun, it takes forever mining blocks, everything... you all know how it is.
i'm trying out a bunch of warps, i dont have a clue which one i tried but i end up on this platform with a few diamond blocks placed in like a square, me being a noob, i was like "hey let me see if i can break these " Tongue so yeah, i break one and then i'm like oh shit... do i get in trouble for this?? so i think to myself... if i replace it with a cobblestone maybe they wont notice... but then i notice there is only one block of diamond missing, so everyone would notice that.. so me being a freshy/noob i decide to punch out all the diamond blocks and replace them with cobblestone, hoping nobody would notice 
(02-01-2018, 05:03 PM)RS_Beifong Wrote: wow, i'm not shure what you are trying to pull here? as i stated, i broke the blocks and did not use them for anything, they are still in a chest in my house. so what does the balance of my account have to do with that? i have sold crappy blocks like andesite etc for this money in /warp shop(? i think it was, the same place you can buy all the heads, i bought a pikachu and an ash ketchum head in that shop)
and yes, as i clearly said in the post above, i replaced these blocks with cobblestone so you wouldnt fall through into instant death. as for the fence, i dont even remember that. since this is a casual server, i dont see any reason for remembering every single step i take. and yes, i asked for mining warps, yet i believe this was after i broke this block? no? anyway, i am sort of getting the feeling you mods are feeling a little high and mighty here, with all due respect, i see no need to write a damn paragraph because you assume i got all my money from these diamonds (which i still have in my chest, as i said multiple times before).

please stop acting like people who get banned for things are children and need to write an essay as punishment,
i am 27 years old, i know i did not have the right to take those blocks, yet i did. i clearly posted in my original appael that this was a large mistake on my part, and yet i did nothing with these diamonds, no crafting, no sale, they are simply in storage. i would have put them back, (just like the fence, as you said i apparently did), but i have no idea how to turn diamonds into diamond ore, since i havent played for that long.

so next time, with all due respect, please dont threat people like children. i clearly stated i am willing to give anything back that i took, and i was in no right to take these in the first place.

looking forward to hear from you,
best regards.

Your story is still inconsistent which is why I asked you explain why lying to staff is inappropriate. With regards to the spruce fence, that was indeed the first block that you modified at the area that you grief. Below is a figure which shows that the fence was the first item modified and moments later, the diamond blocks were then modified 
[Image: b741ec668c.jpg]

And your first claim is that you placed cobblestone so that no one would notice the grief, which you then change your story to having placed cobblestone so that no one would fall to their instant death, which would not happen as the platform is not high enough to inflict 10 hearts of fall damage.

With regards to your balance and the diamond_ore shop chest example, I showed that you had sufficient funds to buy a diamond ore to replace the one you broke, and that you also had enough funds to replace and fix the entire grief you had done afterwards. 

Lastly, I asked you write a paragraph as to why grief, theft and lying to staff are all inappropriate; in which you have failed to do so. I did not ask you write an essay nor did I specify lengthiness of the paragraph. This paragraph could have been long or short, I primarily had hoped you would some sincerity in your writing, which you had also failed to do so.

You would have been unbanned, if you have completely honest with your appeal, for example: "hey i saw some diamonds on someone's property and i knew i could modify the area, so i took them for myself, it wasn't an accidental break. im sorry to whoever i griefed and the attitude i've given" [Do not copy and paste that]

Your appeal is rejected until I see that paragraph with some sincerity in it.
"which would not happen as the platform is not high enough to inflict 10 hearts of fall damage"
"you had sufficient funds to buy a diamond ore to replace the one you broke, and that you also had enough funds to replace and fix the entire grief you had done afterwards"

this is exactly what i mean, i have not played on this server for long, i am shure there is a way for you guys to check that, i dont have a clue where i am supposed to buy diamond ore, nor do i know how much damage anyone takes, i just know if i fall i usually end up dead. it's not like i have any time to count the blocks while i am falling down.

if you feel like this is inconsistent i feel like this is more a problem of not being able to communicate this in a decent way because everything i told you is what was going on, and i really don't feel like repeating 60 times that i was in the wrong, because the more i have to repeat it, the less sincere this starts to feel, as you should know. it feels like i have to put it on repeat. it was very sincere the first 3 times i wrote it, now, it feels like not so much anymore. i am hoping anyone actually understands what i mean by that.

so i am not shure what you want me to write anymore. i said multiple times i was in the wrong, and i had no right to take it. and i did not lie about anything here, i said everything i remembered, i even told you about the bed i took when i started out, wich i didnt even have too, because nobody seems to know about this. what more do you want me to do? how can i be more honest then that? i feel like you are enyoing this a little too much.

thanks anyway for your time, and if at all, please leave a little more helpfull reply.

on a sidenote; this is in no way to be annoying or disrespectfull, i am simply trying to have a decent conversation here, and trying to find a solution, instead of quickly and unreasonably writing an essay wich will result in no difference whatsoever. thanks for the understanding

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