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Ban Appeal
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):[/b] SMP

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] JoesMine231

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Reason: banned by rayvenz forever

[b]Who banned you:[/b] rayvenz

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] I should be unbanned for 2 reasons, I don't believe I broke the
server rules or did anything contrary to what rayvenz told me not to do. She told me not to ever
talk about the server rules in chat and I have not done so. I have followed what she has told me
and only requested that she reconsider what she told me.

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] I feel this is a great server and I do not want to leave it.
So far it is the best survival server I have found so far. I also have some friends who play on
this server as well as nice people I have aactually met on the server. But, I also just genuinely
want to help, I have several things I both had planed, and recently started to help others in the
community and draw in others to join the hometown community.

Ironically I was banned just after I had voted for the server. rayvenz had told me not to discuss server rules in chat,
I told her I would not. So I asked her to reconsider her decision. That was the last thing I asked before being banned
from hometown. 

I really enjoy this server and I enjoy helping others. Of course, I enjoy debates, but I'm not a monster. I do enjoy helping others and associating with others. I am currently doing a few things to benifit the server. I will list them below.

Helping others club. This has yet to be started but I was going to be starting it shortly. Every month or week, we were going to be picking somebody that we though could use some help, preferably someone knew, but someone who already showed interest the in the server.

Capitalist club. I Had already enlisted 2 of the biggest shop owners on the hometown server to join. This club was created to benefit the economy's of all shop owners on the server. If one shop owner sold lots of one material, and another sold lots of another, they could trade those materials to both make more profit. 

News on forums. I have already posted on forums something asking others to tell me about any cool builds or news they would like showcased on the hometown forums. I was going to create a line of news articles on forums. I thought this would be a cool addition to the server. 

Providing jobs for in game economy. I was building a city of skyscrapers in hometown and I hope to continue it if let back onto the server. This city of skyscrapers was being built by people I payed. If you like you can go check who built each floor on those skyscrapers, you will find that it was built by 100 or more people. I also pay better than anyone else on the server and almost always have these jobs open. I believe this benefits the server. 
As you can see, I contribute in all of these ways to the server and the ban was only another misunderstanding. I have read the server rules several times and I agree with them, although I think they should be more specific to avoid confusing misunderstandings like this.
(04-15-2018, 12:25 PM)JoesMine231 Wrote: Copy and paste this when creating a ban appeal
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):[/b] SMP

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] JoesMine231

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Reason: banned by rayvenz forever

[b]Who banned you:[/b] rayvenz

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] I should be unbanned for 2 reasons, I don't believe I broke the
server rules or did anything contrary to what rayvenz told me not to do. She told me not to ever
talk about the server rules in chat and I have not done so. I have followed what she has told me
and only requested that she reconsider what she told me.

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] I feel this is a great server and I do not want to leave it.
So far it is the best survival server I have found so far. I also have some friends who play on
this server as well as nice people I have aactually met on the server. But, I also just genuinely
want to help, I have several things I both had planed, and recently started to help others in the
community and draw in others to join the hometown community.

Ironically I was banned just after I had voted for the server. rayvenz had told me not to discuss server rules in chat,
I told her I would not. So I asked her to reconsider her decision. That was the last thing I asked before being banned
from hometown. 

I really enjoy this server and I enjoy helping others. Of course, I enjoy debates, but I'm not a monster. I do enjoy helping others and associating with others. I am currently doing a few things to benifit the server. I will list them below.

Helping others club. This has yet to be started but I was going to be starting it shortly. Every month or week, we were going to be picking somebody that we though could use some help, preferably someone knew, but someone who already showed interest the in the server.

Capitalist club. I Had already enlisted 2 of the biggest shop owners on the hometown server to join. This club was created to benefit the economy's of all shop owners on the server. If one shop owner sold lots of one material, and another sold lots of another, they could trade those materials to both make more profit. 

News on forums. I have already posted on forums something asking others to tell me about any cool builds or news they would like showcased on the hometown forums. I was going to create a line of news articles on forums. I thought this would be a cool addition to the server. 

Providing jobs for in game economy. I was building a city of skyscrapers in hometown and I hope to continue it if let back onto the server. This city of skyscrapers was being built by people I payed. If you like you can go check who built each floor on those skyscrapers, you will find that it was built by 100 or more people. I also pay better than anyone else on the server and almost always have these jobs open. I believe this benefits the server. 
As you can see, I contribute in all of these ways to the server and the ban was only another misunderstanding. I have read the server rules several times and I agree with them, although I think they should be more specific to avoid confusing misunderstandings like this.

First of all you were not given the option to appeal. You were banned forever- and I'll tell you precisely why in the most thorough way possible without repeating too much of what I've already spent hours trying to explain to you pre ban.
I try to set the best example and be as kind as I can be however that ideal kind response is not what  you will be getting as you cannot accept anything that is said. You argue and drive it into the dirt until everyone around feels like cheese against a grater. You take and crush every ounce of kindness I attempt to hold up against your unreasonable arguments that you back up with the inability to comprehend basic human decency.
The amount of frustration you have caused is not something I will forgive. 
You claim to want to bring good and ideas that may benefit the server, yet you do the exact opposite of this.
As I stated many times while trying to reason with you- this server does not need or want you to begin or attempt to change the rules. They are as they are and you, a user who repeatedly causes trouble- is not in the position to give advice on keeping peace. I and the rest of the staff team are fed up with your god complex  and persistent pestering. If I had been in the right mind the night we spoke before about this I would've seen you would not drop this topic and banned you at that moment. 
Not to anyone's surprise you entered the global chat this evening and continued to aggravate and argue.
It is not your job to check up on and take tabs on the staff who are here only to help. They do not need you "making sure" that they are doing things right. This is extremely disrespectful ( a word you claim to not understand ).
It is disrespectful as staff are not paid to put up with people like you and do not deserve to have anyone breathe down their necks. We are here to play minecraft- you should have been too, but no. You were here to debate and argue on a minecraft server. And as I warned you this is not the place for it. 
Those who are reading, do not be mistaken- suggestions are welcome. However just because you have a suggestion does not mean it must be accepted. Arguing after such ideas are suggested is not respectful it is pestering and frowned upon and if taken to the extreme it is bannable. 
JoesMine231- You are not entitled to make decisions on something that is not yours to change.

And though you must think you are, you are not above anyone just because you throw out the idea of helping others with your clubs.
Since stop means nothing to you my entire response is likely to just go over your head.
I tried to treat you with respect but as you don't treat others with respect- I am not required to treat you like a baby.
My view of you differs from those who genuinely want to do good but approach it wrong. Your image of right and wrong is skewed and your morals are not on par with the majority of this community.
You are not being unbanned. I will not put up with this disruption any longer.
I don't expect you to feel remorse as it seems out of your ordinary from what you've shown me.
I am writing this long response only for future readers and perhaps the future you if you ever look back.
No amount of appeal attempts are going to change this. You pushed and pushed and now you are banned.
Appeal denied. Find a new server.
[Image: IqEDa8l.png][Image: IgRwvbV.gif]
DO NOT try to dehumanize me. I DID NOT ever once do anything contrary to what you told me. I DID NOT discuss the server rules after you told me not to. I only asked you to reconsider your decision to shut me down in a private msg, NOT GLOBAL CHAT, and NOT with other mods either. I FOLLOWED YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER, yet I am still banned. I DID NOT argue with anyone. There was no argument, only a discussion of personalitys. If I am not unbanned, I will continue to vote for this server because of the friends I got playing it. By the way, I introduced them to it and even persuaded some to come back after leaving the server.
I do not know who this is, but please get this post off of here.

AppleBottomJeans, if you are trying to help, I thank you, but It is against the rules so please do not. If you are just trying to troll me then get out. However, I lean more to that you are just a TROLL so get out of this appeal.
I told you not a single word more on the topic, and you persisted in messages with me. That is when you were banned.
I don't care if you vote for the server it is irrelevant. Most of what you have as your defense is irrelevant.
The decision is final and I will lock this thread if you continue arguing.
[Image: IqEDa8l.png][Image: IgRwvbV.gif]
I am not arguing but, I Promise, I did not persist in talking about the rules. I never once talked about the rules after you told me not to. You told me to not discuss the rules of the server and I did not. The last thing I said to you was not talking about the rules whatsoever. yes I did ask you to reconsider, but i did not once talk about the rules. If I was trying to disobey what you said then I would have debated the rules in open chat, or in forums. I did not do this. You have got to acknowledge this.

If need be you can go back and look at it. I didn't do anything contrary to what you told me to do. I followed you instructions even though I strongly disagree with them.
No Joe, I told you no more on the topic- meaning everything regarding it. Yet you continued to argue against it.
Nothing I say matters to you as you're the kind of person who doesn't take no for an answer. You think only your feelings and what you want are right. I am done trying to explain to you how what you did resulted in your ban because there is simply no way for me to get it through.
[Image: IqEDa8l.png][Image: IgRwvbV.gif]
I understand, I thought you were trying to say I couldn't talk about only the rules. You didn't specify that I couldn't voice my opinion. could we go back and see how exactly I was mistaken? or is that established already?
Do not post on an appeal UNLESS:

- You are involved in the ban as either a victim, offender, staff-member, or witness providing tangible, objective evidence. If you do not fit any of these categories, you will be dealt with appropriately on the content and context of your message/s
- You are a staff member
- You are posting a link to this page because they didn't follow the rules, and NO staff member has replied to it yet

That being said. I can easily prove everything stated below, if asked by staff (doubting I need to do so though):

Ever since day one of returning to the server, or however you came to be, you've been arguing against the rules. It's actually exactly what got you banned the first time. Your persistence on these things are what gets you in trouble and somehow you just don't seem to grasp that concept. Not only do you argue with everyone, you're downright rude, and have this unimaginable god complex that makes you think you're always right or above everyone, even stating yourself last night that if you don't agree with the rules, then they are wrong and should be accommodated to your beliefs. Its even shown here, in your own appeal! I even personally saw you backseat staffing to be sure "staff was doing their job correctly" which honestly seems insulting. As a regular on the server, and most likely agreed by many others, your presence just isn't wanted, you give no contribution to the community nor make it a better place, you are one of the most toxic players I've ever witnessed. Good luck finding a new server.
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
Are you related to this appeal? also you said, "you are one of the most toxic players I've ever witnessed. Good luck finding a new server." that is not appropriate to write on somebody's appeal. If you feel that way, talk to me either privately, or publicly in another place instead of on the ban appeal thread. Ill gladly try to explain how I feel about that, but here is not the place. Also I am not implying anything about anyone but I think the ip of that user who was trying to troll me should be checked and crossed referenced with others on the server.

just in case what I said didn't come across I am going to repost it.

I am not arguing but, I Promise, I did not persist in talking about the rules. I never once talked about the rules after you told me not to. You told me to not discuss the rules of the server and I did not. The last thing I said to you was not talking about the rules whatsoever. yes I did ask you to reconsider, but i did not once talk about the rules. If I was trying to disobey what you said then I would have debated the rules in open chat, or in forums. I did not do this. You have got to acknowledge this.
If need be you can go back and look at it. I didn't do anything contrary to what you told me to do. I followed you instructions even though I strongly disagree with them.

I misunderstood what you were telling me and took what you said more literally than maybe you meant it. I am sorry for this misunderstanding. can you agree?

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