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ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
yep. it's actually a traditional greeting in England. You usually say "fuck off mate" while performing the action.

Why can my cat teleport round my fucking house without me even noticing and then just look at me all smug like "what? I teleported onto your bed. What u gonna do now?"
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
I'd generally advise shooting it

Why did I die when I died
Because you tripped on a pebble.

Why do pigs not fly yet?
Because their wings are still growing. You see they ran out of fuel for jetpacks so they genetically mutated themselves to grow wings. It'll take 10-20 years.

Why does my homework not get finished quickly.
Because your homework gets self conscious and struggles to finish so just leave it alone and it'll get there don't worry about it.

Why is "cock waffle" now the only thing i'm known for :/
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
Cause you're a cock waffle

What would be the reason I go to jail?
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
"He's Naut okay"

why do i struggle to sing and play guitar at the same time
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
because you're secretly a harmonica

Why does the earth spin?
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
the earth doesn't spin. everthing else does. that's why space s so weird..

why do i listen to so much damned (but good) blackgaze
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
Whos blackgaze lol

Why do flat earth people think the earth is flat, but mars is round?

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