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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Tivum

Reason for your ban: X-Ray

Who banned you: LilDevilian

Why should you be unbanned: I'll admit, I was X-Raying. I wasn't doing it for profit, I just started back yesterday and figured I'd go get some nice tools and armor and gather some resources real quick. I understand it was wrong and I apologize. It will not happen again.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because this is the only server I play, I love this server. The rest of them are trash and I feel like I have a connection with the community on here.
Thank you for your honesty, I appreciate it.

In order to be unbanned, please answer these following questions with multiple sentences each:

-Why is xraying bad?
-How does xraying affect the server’s economy?
-How does xraying affect other players?
-What have you learned from this ban?

Take your time and think through your answers, I’ll consider unbanning you after I’ve read what you’ve answered.
X-raying is bad because it gives you an unfair advantage and ruins the economy.

X-raying affects the servers economy by flooding it with items that make the value go down.

X-raying affects other players because it prevents them from getting ores the honest way.

I've learned not to x-ray anymore and play the honest way.
I hate to be annoying but I've replied. May I please be unbanned? I love the server and it's boring without it.
I asked you to answer the questions with multiple sentences each, which you have not done. You took your time to get banned, now take your time to get unbanned. Try again.
Alright nevermind then lmao, I'll go to a different server.
Okay, I'll admit I was an asshole. May I please be reintroduced back into the server? I went to a different server and was treated like absolute crap, I now realize what I said was wrong and I would like another go at answering the questions.

The reason xraying is bad is it hurts the servers economy, if you have all the diamonds, it gives you way too much power over someone else. It also affects the playerbase, if the ground is all tore up and the ores are mined then there isn't any left for anybody else. It also gives you an unfair advantage.

Xraying affects the servers economy by putting more items than normal into circulation, reducing the need to go out and mine for theirself, all together making prices of items go down and the whole server's economy gets ruined.

Xraying affects the other players because number 1, when you xray, you tear up the ground instead of making a neat mine, would you want someone tearing up your terrain? 2, it ruins it for everybody when you have more diamonds than them which means ultimately, you have more power. and 3, it just makes the game less enjoyable if I have more diamonds and ore than everyone else.

I've learned that what I have done was wrong and it won't happen again. I will from now on play honestly, I have also learned from leaving for a bit that there is no other server quite like hometown, it's the best server i've played on to-date.
I will unban you but please keep in mind that if this happens again, you will be permanently banned with no appeal.

When you log in you’ll have to turn in all the items you’ve gotten through cheating to a member of staff. Your balance will also have been reset.

Make sure to follow the rules from now on, welcome back to HomeTown.

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