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Ban Appeal 10/2/18: Otto_Von_BIsmarck#0199 (Discord Ban Part 2)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Discord

Minecraft name: MinerDeviant / Otto_Von_Bismarck#0199

Reason for your ban: Excessive Disrespect towards another Player
Who banned you: Derpnut

Why should you be unbanned: I would like to be unbanned because I was unable to answer the 4 questions set out by derp in the original post before she shut down the conversation (not allowing me to defend myself in direct contradiction to the point you made in the 6th paragraph)  I shall proceed to answer the questions here to complete my appeal.

Why did you feel the need to bully this player?
I did not feel a "need" to bully this player, however I did my actions in response to behavior made by OzTheGreatAndCrafty, I will admit my behavior was not optimal, but at the same time Oz HAS STATED his views on this matter. I do admit my actions were in poor taste. 

Why don't you follow the warnings you have been given over time?
I was given 1 official warning from ambularD I believe (She asked me not to talk to him and I took that warning, and I did /ignore and muted him in discord. however he STILL desired to talk to me and kept asking others to convey messages to me even though he knew I did not desire or make indications towards communications.) I did receive what I interpreted as un-official advice from Katnip relating to Oz saying I should not unmute him/ talk to him... and against my better judgement I decided to give Oz another chance and unmute him.

What do you gain from all of this?
I gained a new perspective on your view of me and the fact that you will shut down the dialogue because you disagree with me and use ad hominem attacks on myself calling me "Learn some manners and maturity" "you don't have much of a regard for our rules and you clearly didn't learn your lesson", Lying about interactions with myself (you stated you talked to be before on the issue even though you actively avoided me in discord and barely responded to me in Game chat. and lie about the interactions between other players (another player has said "they were confused why they were not banned and jack was because jack was nicer"). and drawing conclusions on a entire situation as a second hand witness and about 1 conversation last night. I have gained another fact that I have a lot of friends who are willing to still talk to me outside of the HomeTownMC Discord and I value these friendships very well.

Why were your actions wrong?
My actions were distasteful but I would not say they were morally wrong. I do know there is no real against players talking about other players and how you have been acting in-unprofessional manor (For further information on  this you can ask me for name and I will ask the other players if they are okay being implicated in this.) 

Why do you want to come back: The main reason I desire to come back to the server discord for reasons stated in Ban Appeal 10/1/18: , I would also like to make a statement about the behaviour of DERPNUT recently. 
Yes, OZ himself does not see an issue with your behaviour, but that does not make it right. There have been a number of complaints about it, meaning that we as a staff team must act upon it. Think about it this way- if a new player were to join the voice channel and witness interactions like that, what kind of an impression would it give them about the server?

You accuse me of lying in your third response. I believe you misinterpreted the situation. I never said that I myself have spoken to you about the issue, but that other staff members have. In regards to not responding to you in voice or game chat, it was because those interactions mainly included you asking to be unbanned for your previous ban, an action that you should know is against our rules.

Keep in mind that I did not decide to ban you based off the one bad interaction I had with you. After last nights events, the staff team discussed the issue and made the decision based off our collective experiences. 

Addressing the issue of OZ's behaviour towards you three, I will say again that I personally have not witnessed it. I am aware that he may call on one of you three multiple times in chat, but that is the extent of my experiences. If you believe that he deserves a punishment or that his actions were not ideal, you are welcome to provide me with screenshots or chat logs to prove your case. When or if that happens, he will be dealt with accordingly. For now, all we can do is keep an eye on the situation.

I am aware that you enjoy spending time in the discord and as somebody who feels the same I understand that it is hard to have these privileges taken away from you. I know you have lots of friends here, and because of that I will give you another chance. I will ask that you write out a formal apology to OZ. It doesn't have to be long, just a few sentences. 

I understand it is against your morals to apologize for something when the apology is not deserved, but that is not the point of this. If you apologize to OZ, it will prove that you are mature enough to admit your faults, meaning you deserve to be unbanned and to be given a second chance.
[Image: g2NnfopJTvWZE_YwIlgVCA.png]
Well first of all, I acknowledge that Oz has had some issues of his own.  He has received assorted warnings himself, and it's entirely possible he will earn himself a ban at some point, but he is not the one whose behavior is in question at the moment.  Neither is Derp.

Whether or not Oz himself is upset with you is also not the point.  There is absolutely no question that he has been in the past, but that's also not relevant.  The behavior we've witnessed from you is unacceptable.  Period.

To put it bluntly, you're a bully.  At least three staff members have now seen this and warned you to stop, yet you persist.  This is after multiple bans for other offenses, some of which were indeed extremely distasteful, and none of which are directly related to this particular ban, but which contribute to an overall impression that you do not respect Hometown's rules, other players, or the authority of the staff.

It is not acceptable to insult another player.

It is not acceptable to intentionally provoke another player.

It is not acceptable to pretend to be friendly, then yank them around when they fall for it.

It is not acceptable to call another player names, whether or not they are present.  ('Peterson'?  Seriously?  Did you think no one here would know what that meant or think to look it up?)

It is SO VERY MUCH NOT ACCEPTABLE to make snide insinuations that a player (as well as others not even involved in the matter at hand) is mentally deficient.

And if a staff member gives you conditions for being reinstated after a ban, you either fulfill those conditions and get unbanned, or you don't.  Arguing whether the conditions were fair or expounding upon your personal standards of morality are not among your options, and will not help your case.

Either play by the rules we set down, or take your ball and go home.
I will write this apology, but I would like to state for the record that I CANNOT WRITE THIS APOLOGY AS A APOLGOY FOR MY ACTIONS, But I will write it to try and diffuse the situation and bring the situation to a close.
“I Minerdeviant apologize to OzGreatAndCrafty for my behavior in Voicechat and how it has caused this whole situation to spiral out of control, I also apologize for any comments that may have made OztheGreatAndCrafty to feel uncomfortable or made the staff concerned. I ask for forgiveness for these actions not only from OztheGreatAndCrafty but from God himself who may judge for these actions hat may have offended Oz, The Server, The Staff or Derpnut.
Sincerely Minerdeviant, Aka Otto_Von_Bismarck#0199”
(10-03-2018, 11:06 AM)murphdog2 Wrote: I will write this apology, but I would like to state for the record that I CANNOT WRITE THIS APOLOGY AS A APOLOGY FOR MY ACTIONS, But I will write it to try and diffuse the situation and bring the situation to a close.
“I Minerdeviant apologize to OzGreatAndCrafty  for my behavior in Voice Chat and how it has caused this whole situation to spiral out of control, I also apologize for any comments that may have made OztheGreatAndCrafty to feel uncomfortable or made the staff concerned. I ask for forgiveness for these actions not only from OztheGreatAndCrafty but from God himself who may judge for these actions hat may have offended Oz, The Server, The Staff or Derpnut.
Sincerely Minerdeviant, Aka Otto_Von_Bismarck#0199”
Sorry for taking so long to respond, I went to bed at ~10PM last night and this is the first chance I have had to respond to AmbularDs reply.
I would like to respond to AmbularD's thread and say that I did not mean "peterman" in any offensive way, I was typing on my Iphone and there were a lot of typos (I meant to say "person") as seen throughout the posts, I would also like to ask where I claimed someone was mentally deficient, as I don't want to send that message to ANYONE at all. If that is the case please show me so that I may correct it. I would also like to say I will be leaving the server for a indeterminate amount of time and have left my items in the charge of Epsilon, JackAtax11 and PlantAssassin15 as I work through some personal issues that have been affecting my life at the moment. I recognize my actions are not justifiable now that I have had time to reflect and think and I realize some distance for a while is the best solution on my end. I will gladly do any responses necessary for a unban, but I will ask to not be unbanned until after I have sorted through my personal issues, as I feel currently I am not in the best state of mind to be communicating on the discord server. I was not right in blowing up at DerpNut, Oz or anyone because of the issues affecting me outside of the server and I sincerely hope I will have a better handle on this in the event I ever rejoin.

Otto_The_Iron_Chancellor, AKA Minerdeviant, Otto_Von_Bismarck#0199 and Murphdog2
Signing Out on October 3rd 2018.
Best wishes to all
Sorry that it has taken some time to get back to you on your ban appeal.

After reviewing your case and new information that has come in, it was decided that your discord ban would be reduced to a temporary ban. Upon your return, I will ask of you a few things to which you must agree to:

(1) Check what you type before you press enter.
(2) Please do not try to escalate a conflict. If there is a disagreement, take a break and calm your emotions. Do not provoke others nor let yourself be provoked.
(3) Make sure you're feeling alright in real-life. If you're having troubles, sort them out before joining any call.

Your temporary ban will be effective upon your agreement to the above conditions.
Those therms are completely agreeable. I am sorry for throwing this little “hissyfot” and I am totally agree to the conditions

Your ban will be lifted in 1 week. Effective now.
soooo... is ban lifted yet? I still cannot connect to the server discord... and it has been a week.. I am unsure of how to ask this... but "Can I be unbanned?"
As a closing statement, your ban has been lifted earlier today. Remember to behave yourself, otherwise, welcome back to the discord server.

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