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Ban Appeal




I should be unbanned because I believe that I have learnt my lesson about hacking and that I will never do it again. I should be unbanned because I will never break another rule on HomeTown again. I should be unbanned because I have realised that hacking is a horrible thing to do as it takes the fun out of the game for you and sometimes other players and that was not my intentions. 

I would like to come back as HomeTown has a very good economy as well an amazing player base and officials. I would like to come back to HomeTown because the rules are very fair and good as well there is no lag.

Thanks For Hopefully Considering This Appeal

Please answer the following questions if you wish to be unbanned. Please answer each one with a minimum of two sentences.

1. Why is it wrong to x-ray?
2. How does x-raying effect the servers economy?
3. How would x-raying effect other players?
4. Why should you always be upfront and honest with staff?
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears!”

“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind!”

“Laugh hard, run fast, be kind... “
1.X-ray is not okay because you can see ores and get every ore you want. its like creative and not survival

2. xray effects the server economy because it turns it into a creative server, when you can get all the ores in the game. It is effecting the server for bad.

3. x-Ray effects other players that they can get any ores like diamond, emeralds etc.

4. Everyone needs to be upfront and honest with staff because lies will not help at anything, even in life out of the game. Lies will always be found
1. X-ray is not okay because it gives the player an unfair advantage over any other players. Aswell as making it almost impossible to enjoy knowing that hackers have xrayed all the ores

2. X-ray affects the economy because if diamonds, for example, are very expensive and you have 4 stacks of them and you sell them all then you would get a lot of money

3. X-ray effects other players in the sense that when you xrayed a diamond thats one less diamond someone can get and you have cheated to get that one diamond.

4. You should always be upfront and honest to a staff member as they are the people who are running the server and stop hackers another reason is as i have learnt if you lie to a staff member who has banned you and you say that you were not doing something they will always have evidence of you in the wrong which will get you into trouble
(11-11-2018, 09:14 PM)AdiTheKing133 Wrote: 1.X-ray is not okay because you can see ores and get every ore you want. its like creative and not survival

2. xray effects the server economy because it turns it into a creative server, when you can get all the ores in the game. It is effecting the server for bad.

3. x-Ray effects other players that they can get any ores like diamond, emeralds etc.

4. Everyone needs to be upfront and honest with staff because lies will not help at anything, even in life out of the game. Lies will always be found

Do not post on other players ban appeals.
Alright I can see that you want to be unbanned however I want to point out something on the ban appeal thread

2. Use effort: Moderators want to unban you, but not unless you actually put some effort into trying to get unbanned. Write a detailed appeal explaining what you did wrong, why it was wrong, and what you should've done instead. Make us want to unban you. One or two sentences makes us want to deny your appeal.

Honestly right now I find your appeal very lacking. You have barely fulfilled my criteria of 2 sentances per question and it would barely cover a grief appeal let alone an x-ray ban with almost 500 diamond ore breaks.

Please wait a few weeks before appealing again, I would be happy to review your appeal then.

Appeal denied.
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears!”

“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind!”

“Laugh hard, run fast, be kind... “
Ok Thanks I will Appeall in a few weeks


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