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"How do I get back to my claim?"
Admittedly, I've only been on the server for a week since I came back, but I am already noticing that this question is one of the more common questions asked by new players.

I had a gander around the tutorial and found that claims and protection are mentioned in the pre-quiz section. There is also one question which requires you to know the name of the warp that tells you more about claims and etc.

There is nothing in the quiz that explicitly tells you "you can't teleport back to your claim, use /sethome" and I think there should be.

Whenever something like this happens, more often than not the player has warped somewhere or simply got lost. Without /back, they have no way to get back to their home. If staff are on, it's just a matter of teleporting to the coordinates and done. If not, someone with /fly has to float over to where their claim is, teleport them there, and then tell them to do /sethome before it happens again.

While this admittedly doesn't happen all of the time, I still think that the problem is easier to fix than to live with, so can someone please add a new question to the tutorial? Something along the lines of:

"How do you get back to your claim?"

A: Stand in it and use /sethome, then /home to return there
B: Some dummy answer
C: Some dummy answer

Of course, the exact wording will be up to the staff team and whoever implements this new question (if deemed necessary).
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
Yes! I teleport a lot of people back to their claims o,o
[Image: oE7TFS5.jpg]


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