Posts: 45
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Joined: May 2019
So i know you can already just drop an item and pick it up then drop another item, but what if there was a more secure way to do that? I've been on a few other servers that have an item trading system, where you can trade items and money. I feel like that would just be a neat little addition to the server. The command would be something like /trade [name]
thog dont caare
1 decade ago
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Joined: Dec 2017
you could just use a chest. . .
Posts: 45
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Joined: May 2019
uh well it could be more secure y know what im saying like sometimes people arent honest
thog dont caare
1 decade ago
Posts: 257
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Joined: Jul 2018
Well, if someone scams you, that's a bannable offense, so if it does happen, let a staff member know. I think that's why there's not too big of a deal around trades and who pays first here
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Joined: Jun 2019
In fairness I agree with Callio on this one. If it’s player to player it could work and be just less hassle. It also shows acceptance of the item so you can’t go screaming ‘SCAM’ when u read it wrong