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Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for April: _S7n, 1Block2, Alexgrey, Ambulard, Belgnbor, Chickenobsessed, Colonel_rob, Jazz5253, Just_graphic, N00dlez_, Nehk, Rinewarle, Stoneblood, Sweetiele, Thatchicken1, Thatonewolfe, Vordoc

Congratulations to ThatOneWolfe for winning first place with 173 votes!

[Image: ce3642fbb9.jpg]

All winners have been credited VIP1 or in-game $$$. Please visit /warp vote on the North interior side to claim your rewards.

If you have not claimed your reward from previous months, please claim them at /warp vote on the South interior side.
Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for May: _S7n, Ambulard, Belgnbor, Cacrk, Coolprezision, Dav7, Jazz5253, Jetfuor, Just_graphic, Mishnikai, Mrcomatose, N00dlez_, Nicothechico, Rinewarle, Slothochdonut, Thatchicken1, Thecatking23, Thecoolwip, Warmongerduck.

Congratulations to Rinewarle for winning first place with 185 votes!

[Image: 4f18efa654.jpg]

All winners have been credited VIP1 or in-game $$$. Please visit /warp vote on the North interior side to claim your rewards.

If you have not claimed your reward from previous months, please claim them at /warp vote on the South interior side.
Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for June: _S7n, Ambulard, Annabeth4527, Belgnbor, Dav7, Goboogo, Illogicalsong, Jazz5253, Just_graphic, Master_arrei, Mishnikai, Mrcomatose Rinewarle, Slothochdonut, Thatchicken1, Thecatking23.

Congratulations to Jazz5253 for winning first place with 181 votes!

[Image: 4458e98b98.jpg]

All winners have been credited VIP1 or in-game $$$. Please visit /warp vote on the North interior side to claim your rewards.

If you have not claimed your reward from previous months, please claim them at /warp vote on the South interior side.
Congratulations to all the top voters!
Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for July: _S7n, 1Block2, Ambulard, Annabeth4527, Belgnbor, Chimpfinger, Diablospumpkin, Goboogo, Illogicalsong, Jazz5253, Lexxarc, Matruska, Mishnikai, Mrcomatose, Rinewarle, Slothochdonut, Sosam, Thecoolwip, Wasteman68.

Congratulations to Rinewarle for winning first place with 184 votes!

[Image: ed7bf73060.jpg]

All winners have been credited VIP1 or in-game $$$. Please visit /warp vote on the North interior side to claim your rewards.

If you have not claimed your reward from previous months, please claim them at /warp vote on the South interior side.
Congratulations to all the top voters!
Great news! August monthly winners will also be rewarded along with September monthly winners.

Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for August:_S7n, 1Block2, 1Block3, Ambulard, Annabeth4527, Avidlyacacia, Belgnbor, Espinquisition, Goboogo, Jazz5253, Jennaveeve, Lexxarc, Mishnikai, Misscovale, Mrcomatose, N00dlez_, Rinewarle , Slothochdonut, Starningago.

Congratulations to  Lexxarc and Slothochdonut for both winning first place with 184 votes!

[Image: 37a51b2a13.jpg]

Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for September: _S7n, _Golden_guy_, Ambulard, Annabeth4527, Belgnbor, Cab_419, Espinquisition, Fleksflaks, Goboogo, Mishnikai, Misscovale, Mrcomatose, Rinewarle.

Congratulations to Misscovale for winning first place with 164 votes!

[Image: a53b73fd35.jpg]

All winners have been credited VIP1 or in-game $$$. Please visit /warp vote to claim your rewards.

If you had rewards from previously months prior to August, you will not be able to claim them on the new server.

An extra special thanks to all the voters that stuck with us throughout September despite knowing about the server reset!
Congratulations everyone!
Congratulations to Winners of the Top Voter Contest for October: _Golden_guy_, _S7n, Ambulard, Belgnbor, Dav7, Espinquisition, Goboogo, Greybeard39, Illogicalsong, Jazz5253, Legendaryrty, Master_arrei, Mishnikai, Misscovale, Mrcomatose, Nehk, Teddywhelp, Thatonejonguy, Thatonewolfe, Z0ck3t.

Congratulations to Jazz5253 for winning first place with 185 votes!

[Image: 02feab65c5.jpg]

All winners have been credited VIP1 or in-game $$$. Please visit /warp vote on the South side to claim your rewards.

If you have not claimed your reward from previous months, please claim them at /warp vote on the West side.
Congratulations to all the top voters!

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