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Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft username: .NotGameFleet694

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!):Banned for racist slurs

Who banned you: TheOnlyKat and melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I think I should get a chance because when I have never used this racist slurs in chat,when it was my friend who was controlling HIS own laptop and before he was going to join I warned him NOT to say any swear words AT anyone and I also told him to like go to /warp rules to check the rules of this servers. I also mentioned that not to like use any racist words then he said ok,  and joined.i was not in the room, i was on the discord chat.once he joined i was monitoring him that if he said smtg. He started using racist slurs when I saw them I rushed into the room but till ten he was banned. And after some time he got banned I logged on so confirm it was not me and it was my friend who was banned from the server. Then I leave the server after that in the night after I come back to my house I go on discord and check that my server chat was gone so I checked with The4Neko but then they said that they didn’t log on that day so I asked melaniebeedot so I see that I get banned for “racist slurs”.(in short it was not me on saying the racist stuff and he was the one who said that for some reason).

Why do you want to come back: I would appreciate to come back because I do not want to lose my friends,progress,etc I just want to stay in touch with my friend that u have made in these months and be kind to people as I am and I promise that I won’t do anything that goes against the server rules
October 12th, 2024

ProKit joins the server for the first time.

[Image: d6e7r8g.jpeg]

January 19, 2025

ProKit joins the server again.

[Image: VB1z0v8.jpeg]

[Autocorrect ''profit'' from ''prokit'']
Hey Mel!
I saw your message and here's what I have to say for it
I deeply understand that racism is not a good thing for people on the server especially if people feel bad.I am so sorry for what happened and why I was banned. The message that was sent from my account was not really me it was one of my friend who was playing on it and I am actually very sorry for my friends action that he sent through my account and I am the type of guy who doesn't support or like I don't believe in it and I take full responsibility from now for my account and I am very sorry for the actions. Racism is never acceptable, and I am fully responsible because I let this happen under my account. I've secured my account, and I will make sure nobody uses it from now on. I'm committed to fostering respect and understanding. Ban lift, please-I'm determined to uphold the server values from here moving forward. Thank you for your understanding

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