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Does pinapple go on pizza
Some people say yes, some people say no and some people say they're fine with it. Always respect people decisions.
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Unfortunately no pineapple pizza behind me, but yea, love that thing, I even had kfc pineapple pizza wrap which was pretty good too :3
That's a big yes from me. Pineapple on its own is pretty good but the real deliciousness lies in ham & pineapple pizza.
Pineapple on pizza is fire!
I agree but for some reason Italian people hate it IDK why?
“Going for blood today, are we, Violence?”

They don't like the contrast between the salty-ish and the sweetness.
Now you are done reading, look behind you. You never know what can be behind you.
i like anything even pineapple on pizza
:O I’m horrified this many people like pineapple pizza

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