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/Warp Horse_xp
Hey guys,
There is a new xp farm on the server, named /warp horse_xp. This is a spider xp farm. WAIT! Before you leaving thinking spider xp farms suck, this one doesn't Angel . Its owned by me and Coqkie_. There's also a new advertisement board were you can put your warp name on a sign at the farm, but you must pay first.

One Day - 1.50
One Week - 2.00
One Month - 3.00

Hope to see you guys there Smile.

EDIT: The screenshots r currently not posting, I will try later

- HorseGirl7311 • Horse • Miss. Horse -
 - Owner of /warp horse_xp - New Spider Spawner -
Awesome Big Grin I'll have to check it out sometime. Could always use some more string for my bows Smile
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
/warp emporium
/warp EmoFood
/warp Fuel
/warp Chicken
/warp EmoWitch
/warp TrialShop

I read the title like:

A horse for XP farm? O.o
This seems cool, I'll check it out!
- KatNip

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