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just wanted to make the fight scene, didin't just have time, so here it comes.

shoot that giant zany squid! Newbie yelled at the players (i always imagined zan as a giant sea monster... geez i rly have a disease dont i?) We dont have bows! Maddie answered. all we got is 4 carboard boxes, few carrots, broken boat and few sand blocks! throw anything! 4th answered. Rasse ran to the centre of the island where few coconut trees grew (i know, i know, there is no coconuts in minecraft blah blah blah, shut up and imagine those things plz.) and tried to take few coconuts. as always it wouldnt be funny if the coconuts wouldnt drop on his head, and so they did. catch this! Rasse said and threw coconuts to 4th. 4th caught them and threw one at the giant Zany monster. it did hit, but only on one tentacle, and it wasnt unfortunately the one which was holding frosts head. the tentacle dove to the deeps, and another tentacle whacked the beach. look alive, boys, shes angry now! Newbie yelled while dodged one of the tentacles. Rasse threw more coconuts for them, and they released a barragde of coconuts. eventually, one of them did manage to hit the one which was holding the screaming frost, but it didint hit the tentacle, but the frost himself. It didint have any effect, except frost yelled a little louder now. god dammit, Nether said. guys, aim for the actual monster! so they did and Maddie managed to hit Zany in the eye. Zany screamed and threw Frost to towards them, without any succeed. Zany released a battle cry, and dove to the deeps of the sea, towards the ocean monument below them. Yuss!!! Nether yelled while holding frosts passed out head. Is he ok? maddie asked? yup, just a little bit disorganized by the coconut. good shot, Rasse... nether attached irritatdly. (yeah i mispelled that, but you get the point.) it was an accident, Rasse said offended. have you ever tried to hit a moving tentacle with a goddamn coconut? he attached. well, there was once in greenland- 4th tried to say but all of sudden a tentacle flew from the sea and grabbed Rasses leg. oh no, help meee! he screamed startledly. the tentacle forced Rasse to the water, and others tried their best to pull him back up. welp, we lost him, 4th said. there goes our cardboard boxes... the original stealth devices, he attached. actually, i got them, Newbie said quietly. well then, were all setled up... 4th said. hah. what do we do now? we cannot swim over the ocean, can we? the next writer can choose that! (srsly, im not gonna be a selfish sandwich XD others can do it now)
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
4th stood up and counted the people on the island, nether, maddie, newbie, frost's head and ras...... oh yeah, forgot. He said silently. just then maddie came up with a plan, Frost! tpa rasse back to the island!!! maddie shouted. frost started typing as fast as he could, and he finally hit enter. they all turned and heard a magical POOF! and right next to them was rasse, screaming and gasping for air. can't we just tp us all of the island then? asked nether. Frost passed out from all that happened, well now we're never gonna get of the island, he can't tp us away while passed out! 4th yelled. maddie and newbie were getting annoyed by the others, rasse came up to the others and shouted, i managed to grab some old planks from the ocean floor! newbie picked up all the wood and started making an even crappier boat than the last one (yes that was possible) they all jumped into the boat, and rasse fell asleep again... 4th kept frost's head while the others were paddeling the dingy to land, when they arrived they dragged rasse out of the boat and woke him up, LOOK OUT!!! newbie yelled, it was noodle, they all ran to find a safe place to rest, they hid inside a giant.....

(07-08-2016, 02:12 AM)Rasse82 Wrote:  all we got is 4 carboard boxes, few carrots, broken boat and few sand blocks! throw anything! 4th answered. Rasse ran to the centre of the island where few coconut  well, there was once in greenland- 4th tried to say but all of sudden a tentacle flew from the sea and grabbed Rasses leg.  welp, we lost him, 4th said. well then, were all setled up... 4th said.

you capture me just right, a builder and a wierdo 100%
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

geez i so wanna make more! but i promised.... well screw it, this is a forum game and ive been waiting. and since no one is writing, i wont be making any 3 pages long parts. i hope you guys wont mind XD

they hid inside a giant tree. atleast, it looked like a tree... are... are we safe now? Newbie asked. think so, but we can never be sure... someone should go scoutin' ahead, Maddie answered. -but who? -There is only one way to decide it: rock, paper scissors! any voluntieers? nether announced. wha... whats going on? Rasse asked while still being pretty tired from all that sleeping. Maddie, Nether, Newbie and 4th looked at each other, and shoved Rasse out of the tree with one cardboard box. "move up, and tell whats out there!" Maddie whispered from the tree. Rasse sighed and went inside of the box and disappeared.
they waited twenty minutes until a box showed up from the forest. -well? whats out there, Maddie asked curious.
-ive got good and bad news. which first? the box said. good ones of course! everyone shouted. -if we stay too long here were gonna have a disease named after one of us. ive found a new one. it causes us to... well, i dont know yet, but we gotta hurry. everyone stared each other in silence until someone asked: a-and the bad o-ones? -This tree is the head of a sleeping titan. you are hiding in its open mouth. ever wondered why did it stink so much? secondly- RasseInTheBox (hey thats a new species) had to stop talking when suddenly the tre- i mean, titan started to wake up.
RUUUUUUUN!!!!! everyone started running. where did they run to? next one decides!
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
they ran out from the titans mouth, and looked for a new place to stay, but all they saw was titans everywhere, w-what do we do now, newbie said nervously. we need another place to stay, nether whispered while running. but just as he said that, 4th fell and lost frost's head down a tiny cave. wait, we can stay in the cave! maddie shouted, and so the crew started digging down the cave, they made a really cozy little cave and a pedastol for frost, and rasse started making a hole to sleep in, after a bit he had finally broken the stone with his fists, and he was ready to go to bed for the night. but just as he layed down, he fell into the dark cave of....

(i am loving this story btw, rasse adds great parts to it XD)
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King


Meanwhile, Maddie decided to leave the cave and meet Noodle outside, where they flew off into the sunset and never returned to the fanfic.

Everyone was unaware of Rasse's disappearance, until....
I have a new girlfriend now
[Image: tumblr_nwsqf8uAJM1tbo6e7o1_500.gif]
the server reset poll was up, and everyone was discussing their favorite option, everyone exept rasse. so the gang jumped down the dog hole and saved rasse, they thought about staying there for a while, the only problem was.....
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

The cave was full of dogs. and they were titan dogs. so they were large. no, not large. they were HUGE. and some of them were very strange. one of them had 2 heads, one 4 tails, one gigantic body but small head, and one 7 paws. luckily, they were sleeping. the fellowship made it out without more noise, and blocked the hole on the floor. they decided to stay in the cave for a few hours, to rest and eat. Rasse did not dig another hole on the floor, but slept on grass blocks frost gave to him. Newbie, Frost and 4th ate some bread, since Rasse found some wheat from the jungle. 2 hours passed, when suddenly, frosts head realized: wheres Maddie?? They they called for her a few times and seeked for her, but without any succeed. -i guess shes gone... for good, Newbie said quietly. they decided to try to forget Maddie, as hard it was. 4th and Newbie decided to step out and go look for supplies and food, and maybe find Maddie. they left Rasse to guard the shelter and frosts head: he would just be on the on the way.
they took two boxes and moved out. -you see anything, Newbie?-Not yet. these eye holes in this box are way to small. -i agree, ill take the box out for a second. 4th, NO! but too late: a giant hand already had grabbed 4th which was yelling for help. put him down you filthy three-felling-giant! Newbie yelled at the titan, but theanother hand took her too. soon, they were looking at a grumpy female titan, which surprisingly didnt put them into her mouth. the titan, however, didint look antic or naked: she had clothes and had short, grey hair. will you look at that, she said with strong british accent. small people, small people. havent seen these in a while. hey, cut it out! why are you squriming? she asked from 4th. why is he squiriming? you are going to eat us! Newbie yelled at the titan. What?! i wouldnt even think about something so gross! if i would want to harm you, i would force you to cook for me. -then why did you pick us up?? 4th yelled in panic. -uh, sorry, i was just curoius, the titan answered. here, sorry about that, she said and putted both 4th and Newbie down. what are you small people doing here in our island? she asked. "our"? what do you mean by "our"? 4th asked.
what did she mean? next can choose!
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
the island belongs to the titans, the giant woman said. 4th turned to newbie and whispered, you think they are frendly, i mean... like... all of them? newbie started talking to the woman and asked, are all the titans against eating humans?
none of us eat humans, they taste horrible! she yelled. after speaking with the woman for around 2 hours, then she took them on her shoulder and carried them back to the cave, rasse was terrified, but frost was just curious about the titan,
what is your name, titan? frost asked interested to know. my name is Sindi, how about yourself tiny head? after getting to know each other for a while the titan offered to help them get off the island and back to where they came from, the land of hometown. they started building a big ship out of the materials they found, it was made of wood, coco beans and.....
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

... And Rasse. -is this entirely necessary? Rasse asked while 4th was fastening Rasse as a prow decoration. (Prow is the head of the ship incawe you guys didint know) yup, 4th answered. -wouldnt frost fit here better? -nah, he is the lookout. Soon, the ship was ready, and the titan wished them luck. Goodbye, small ones! Come back someday to say hi! -we will! (Hopefully) Newbie yelled while the ship was moving towards the ocean. -im getting sea-sick... 4th said and threw up. After few days, the ship came up to the land of hometown. F-finally... 4th said and jumped off the ship. Wake up, Rasse! Were here! -w-what? Rasse asked after waking up. When are we gonna leave from tyis titan island? He asked while still pretty sleepy. -nevermind, 4th said. He was completely sick for Rasses weirdoness and needed a few hours break from all of that. -what happaned to the land? It was full of dirt houses when we left... 4th asked. Tye reset has happaned, frost answered. Alright, see you guys someday, Rasse said and jumped off the boat to the ocean, swiming away never to be seen again. Finally, for tye love of Frost (ht god) he is gone! Newbie sighed for relief. 4th said: now the real question is: where are all the people?
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
the gang all pulled up their phones and started looking through the noob huts they found everywhere.
they found only 1 thing. a map leading to a big tower with a giant A on it.
4th asked the others if they knew who it belonged to, newbie walked around to the back of the tower to find a giant Y
frost's head thought for a while. It has to be Aray's tower, but why is she living next to all these noob huts.
hey! i live in one of these! newbie shouted! they started walking into the giant tower, rasse had only one question.....

(it's been too long since anyone posted something new on this fanfic)
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King


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