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Poll: Option 1 or Option 2?
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Option 1
78 42.16%
Option 2
107 57.84%
Total 185 vote(s) 100%
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Official Poll on Reset
Just a note, I'm not currently invested in either choice, but I'm seeing some people describe option 1 as a compromise of some sort - but it's not, if you're wondering. Option 1 is synonymous with "do nothing" - that's what our plan had always been, before talk began about resetting.
Option 1 is do nothing? Move the spawn to the new world and purge this old one of dirt huts or holes. Also saves some space, once I purge some old builds. And perhaps mob spawn will improve, idk if the mob spawn rate is based on # of players in a world or on the server in general. I do think with our population a new world needed to be added or the current one expanded, and option 2 does not seem to solve the crowding issue, people are gonna come and go as usual and we'll need another reset to clean the fields. Also new world makes the need of a resource world obsolete.
"Also new world makes the need of a resource world obsolete." -Jello
Isn't that kind of the point?
Can't say I know much of the inner workings of a server, but from what I'm seeing here it looks like our current plugin problems and lack of spawn rates will not be easily changed by simply continuing to add small changes.  Our staff have been doing that this entire time and I'm still here complaining over half the plugins that function terribly.  New plugins are hardly compatible with the older world we have now (You know, that world with all of our builds, memories, and efforts put into it over just months or multiple years).  It's taken us three years to reach the 'crowding' point we are at now, and most of that is actually just from the more recent influx of new players in the last year or so.  Although asking our staff to take time out of their life and personal enjoyment of the game to weed through all the inactive dirt huts or oversized farms is a possible way to reduce what lag we have, I can only think that is a rather inconsiderate duty to further burden these dedicated volunteers with.  
We've been playing Option 1 for a long while now.  Changing small things to try and improve the ever-dwindling game play.  Moving spawn to a new world, asking our staff to spend more of their time rolling back logs that no longer exist, expanding the server yet again...just more small things to change.  While there's no guarantee that doing these will really help any of the spawn rates or plugins, at the least we have a greater chance of all of our gameplay improving with an entire new world.  Might even get back those Minigames we've been missing.
In any case, I'm seeing mostly what look to be relatively new players voting 1. With the exception of a couple Major Build makers.  To you who are new, perhaps only just joined, do take into consideration that HomeTown has not had a reset in over two years, if ever.  This is not a frequent thing as may happen on other servers.  You just happened to join right as this event is going down.  Think of the future of your building ability and economic possibilities.  Like actually being able to make what we earn worth manure*. Option 2 looks like it's giving us creative to our current builds. Economy is so bleep that even those animal/mob farms we all work so hard on are practically worthless.  Our great builds we can enjoy over there. Not like many towns were prospering in the first place.  Those who have everything want of nothing.  Why do you think so many have left despite our unique community?  You have it all, so what's left to do?
We get this, some may leave. But do consider that some may also come back with an entire new (hopefully remaining un-broke) economy and clean world to start fresh on.  An old community on a young server.  Minecraft is for building, so let's build on a new world with old friends.

(Anyways, if we leave HT because Option 2 is implemented, it's not like we get to keep our builds and not have to start over from scratch.  Kind of stuck in it.  Leave and start new on a server that doesn't match this one or stay and start new with the same (usually) amazing community.)
My thoughts every time someone says they're gonna leave bc of the reset
I am voting option 2 Now here is why. I personally feel it is more welcoming to future players that have a place to uild now there will be the argument that there is plenty of land if you fly around ut at the same time we have to understand the point of which that doing /random takes dozens of try's before you fine a good building area that's nice land and at the same time be far away from people.

This allows everyone to start on the same page and for players that were reckless to have new opportunity . This idea is good for the building and shop systems short and long term. This allows new reform economically for us to regulate the price of resource's server wide which is good for people buying the resource's and for the shop owners the price would go up and down due too the fact of which supply and demand and I believe it could be a good time to create a stock market which could regulate these prices , give the server a good outlook of how the server economy is doing , how much cash is currently in the economy, and the ways that the economy is moving to like more town based, shop based, private building or company based and so on. I did post a forum thing on this not to long about and I would suggest people actually read it . it has a lot of data that would be helpful to the future of the economy that allows one to exist but at the same time make it in some way fair to players across the board as a whole.

The long term affect is actually pretty good for the server . The SERVSET allows new memories to be made as much as old ones are good to think about just note  living in the past is never a good thing... for anyone . and if you can make new memories it allows you to grow as a person . As well if we were to expand the server boarders that only pushes the issue back a few months like what was done back in September , as well creates more lag which is discouraging for new players and for players that rage.

I do understand that players will be hardened and saddened due to the fact of which all their hard work in building, resource collecting, and money, and towns, and company build ups being thrown away. But in the end it is just a bunch of pixels I mean I have said it before it is an escape for me and that I run BC like a real business because it is the closest thing to the real world I will ever get but ... even I have doubts that its hard work. IT does damage me . But it does show me that with all the hard work I have made and done on this server I am able to take that experience and I can use that as a clean slate and make a better me . and a better business as a whole.

Its like ... Poke 'mon and I am speaking about the show . Ash Ketchum has lost so many times but he uses those losses and learning experience for future battles to try and better him self as a person and as a trainer . and that you can learn from your faults and mistakes and better and focus on the areas that you most believe in and you are best at.

In conclusion its for a long term affect and it is to better everyone as a whole and I respect anyone who does agree with that so... I am choosing to go with the SERVSET aka OPTION 2 . thank you ...GhostBuster
(07-10-2016, 06:07 AM)ThatChicken1 Wrote: Can't say I know much of the inner workings of a server, but from what I'm seeing here it looks like our current plugin problems and lack of spawn rates will not be easily changed by simply continuing to add small changes.  Our staff have been doing that this entire time and I'm still here complaining over half the plugins that function terribly.  New plugins are hardly compatible with the older world we have now (You know, that world with all of our builds, memories, and efforts put into it over just months or multiple years). 

Might even get back those Minigames we've been missing.

World has nothing to do with most if not all plugins. What plugins problems are you talking about btw? Do you mean core protect? If so, a new world won't change much there, as that's a update issue with the dev who makes the plugin.

Better spawns / render distance will not be changing whatever happens as stated by frost a number of times already, see main post.

Lastly, minigames is an update problem, nothing to do with the world or server. The plugin we used needs to be updated by the dev, there's not many replacement minigame plugins out there on 1.10 currently either, i'm sure staff/frost would be open to looking into other good minigame plugins if you can find them.
IGN: Genocore
The amount of drama that is going on about the reset is ridiculous, there are so many houses and stuff that sit empty because people stop playing. We need a reset although it sucks to lose your buildings it happens. It would be like starting on a new server and having to start from scratch so people stop complaining about the reset. You guy should do the reset ASAP so that the drama begins to disperse. Big Grin
Option 2
(07-10-2016, 05:21 AM)_JELLy__ Wrote: Option 1 is do nothing? Move the spawn to the new world and purge this old one of dirt huts or holes. Also saves some space, once I purge some old builds. And perhaps mob spawn will improve, idk if the mob spawn rate is based on # of players in a world or on the server in general. I do think with our population a new world needed to be added or the current one expanded, and option 2 does not seem to solve the crowding issue, people are gonna come and go as usual and we'll need another reset to clean the fields. Also new world makes the need of a resource world obsolete.

Basically, we're only considering a reset at this time because of sentiments some have expressed that the server can't continue in this state for much longer - that it needs a big overhaul to deal with the issues of crowding and an economy with runaway deflation which have continued for two separate prior discussions about resetting. The opposing stance to that is that these issues are overblown, as there is still space on the map and the economy is merely a means to facilitate trade, and we can continue as is until a major update to the game bringing new biomes and structures makes the creation of a new world truly necessary.

If we are going to decide that the problems faced by the server are significant enough to warrant a reset, we must fix all of the problems at once lest they simply continue to fester like an open wound. If we are going to decide the problems are insignificant for what we play this game for, then the server is fine to continue chugging along as it is.

In short, the question being asked of you all is this: Our creed is that the server will not reset or replace the world until it is necessary. So is it necessary now?
I do not believe the deflation is much of a problem. It only makes the starting $100 more valuable, perhaps the pstones could be cheaper. The prices of diamonds have been a staple of the economy and in my time it has not dropped noticeably and had never dropped below 1.4 on average. Everything else have more or less kept to their proportions with diamond, just the numbers have gone down, but the economy still works as is. I believe the server shop will not define price of anything other than the items it buys or closely related to. Diamonds will most likely still be around 1.5 and so on. Supply and competition will continue to drop prices as people gain more resources after the reset.

Crowding as I addressed can be solved with option 1 alone with an extra world. And I have serious doubt that a map reset is going to make plugins play nicer together, same old plugins same old problem unrelated to map.

I do not hold that these issues are overblown, they are definitely there. But do they warrant a reset? Will the reset do most of the issues any good? No. There will be lots more patches, trial and errors and new plugins that can be done without a new map.

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