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Capital city after reset
i have had this idea for the server reset for a while, i want to make a capital city where lots of people can live close to each other, the plans for the city is that everyone can build their home where they see fit, but not if anyone sets up a fence or bushes to block their house off in some sort of way.

the main hope for the city is that people submit their ideas here on this thread, and give some more ideas

if you are interested in joining the project, post a reply saying you wanna join Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

ooh id love a city with skyscrapers for players to live in!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


You know I think I would be willing to set something like that up but we will need a town square to establish this place I mean we can't just have it willy nilly or it will look like shit I say we get a hand ful of builders to actually help setup a town square and have everyone build outwards as well . AND PLEASE LISTEN ... LETS IMPLEMENT A STOCK MARKET PLUGGIN THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL THAT HELPS JUST SEE WHERE THE SERVER ECONOMY IS AND WHERE IT IS GOING. I WOULD BE HAPY TO RUN IT BUT I NEED THE STAFF OR FROST TO PUT IN  A STOCK MARKET SYSTEM I CAN BUILD THE Place FOR IT AND SET UP GOOD REGULATION FOR THE PEOPLE I DID POST SOMETHING ON IT PLEASE CHECK IT OUT AND CONSIDER
I like the idea of having a city, but i won't join for the facts i like being a hermit  Big Grin
(07-11-2016, 04:41 AM)GhostBuster123 Wrote: You know I think I would be willing to set something like that up but we will need a town square to establish this place I mean we can't just have it willy nilly or it will look like shit I say we get a hand ful of builders to actually help setup a town square and have everyone build outwards as well . AND PLEASE LISTEN ... LETS IMPLEMENT A STOCK MARKET PLUGGIN THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL THAT HELPS JUST SEE WHERE THE SERVER ECONOMY IS AND WHERE IT IS GOING. I WOULD BE HAPY TO RUN IT BUT I NEED THE STAFF OR FROST TO PUT IN  A STOCK MARKET SYSTEM I CAN BUILD THE Place FOR IT AND SET UP GOOD REGULATION FOR THE PEOPLE I DID POST SOMETHING ON IT PLEASE CHECK IT OUT AND CONSIDER
great ideas ghost, i think that would be the best, but a town square should be next to some sort of big building like a court with a jail in for the staff, and we might wanna hire a certain amount of people with certain jobs for a project like this,
lets make a city!!!
Cool Cool Cool Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Smile Smile Smile
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

Dude i love the idea of having a massive city, the biggest on the server, where people can be living in apartments high up with like 100 players in one skyscraper would be cool instead of the more common 2 resident skyscraper.

I'm in! Big Grin
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


I'll join the city until I make my guardian farm agian and that's gonna be a while.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


I like the idea of a capitol city. I think it could be a good way for a new player to see the server if the spawn was in or near such a place. I would sugest that one or two people be in charge of overall layout with others building. You may also want to denote zones for neighborhood style builds (example: maybe 4thdoc has a section to build "the bronx" and Obby has a section to build "Manhattan"). It could also work as a collective build where each builder gets a grid to build their own neighborhood w/ a master build connecting them (i.e. freeways, subways, etc.) I would love to see a city in HT that spanned several days walk.
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.

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