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Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor)
Okie dokie! You said you don't know what you did, so I did the hunting for you. Neither Lex nor Vil had their logs available for different reasons, so I retrieved them from a third staff member who was online. I'll give you examples of some of the things you did/said that might've raised some flags.

You joined at 46 minutes and 38 seconds past the hour. The first thing you said was "hey! i hate my life". That would've raised a flag with me. The next two things you said were "fuck" and "FUCK" respectively.

Another player said "Uhhh, I thought this was friendly" to which you replied "im allowed to say fuck" then "according to the rules". That raises more flags for me, and I'd have mentally prepped myself for you to be a troll by now. Note, this has all been said within two minutes of you joining.

While continuing through the tutorial, you asked "wait what is (if) someone wants you to kill them for their head? or what if u agree to pvp?" This, again, raises another flag. Granted, I acknowledge this could be a totally legitimate question, but in past experience, that's not often the case.

A few seconds later, up pops the question "wait im not allowed to use xray?" Throw a flag on the play, somebody get the ref. You're a brand new player, and from the standpoint of a staff member, it seems like you're here for a different type of fun than the server's designed for, whether it be trolling, cheating, or griefing/killing. Just sayin'.
After you're told no by the lovely players, you say "that's fucking gay". That's a strike with me.

Still on that comment, a player says "FruitsandVeggies lets not use gay as an insult" to which you reply "define insult" then "are you calling gay people bad". Those are troll-esque comment in my book. You continue on with this conversation, testing the waters. I'm just gonna copy and paste this part, the comments can do the explaining here.

[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> am i allowed to use it in a good way?
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> like
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> i love chocolate, it's super gay
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> is that ok?

After these comments, Lex steps in for the first time, as shown here:

[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> gay isnt a curse?
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> gay
[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> FruitsAndVeggies, im gonna let u know rn
[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> trollings just gonna get u banned
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> srry Sad
[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> and im out of patience today

I consider that a reasonable response, but I'll keep going, it may have gotten worse later.

To this, you ask less than a minute later:

[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> am i allowed to say the n word

Mmmm no. I'd have considered banning you here for rule two, which is essentially "Don't be annoying". Carrying on though!

[1x:54:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> so how many people here right now are gay? say I.
[1x:54:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> no gay people. you guys lied.

Check out the time stamps on those puppies!! In between these comments, it was mentioned in a staff chat that you're trolling, and neither Lex nor Vil made that comment.

[CHAT] [Regular] (removed name) >> maybe they dont want to tell the world that they are gay. its none of your business
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> please dont bully me or i will report you

Now, skip ahead a few minutes.

[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> how do i rank up to Founder?
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> it doesnt say

And later:

[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> i guess my mom was right. no one likes me and i have no reason to be alive.

I consider that trolling as well.

[CHAT] [Rookie] FruitsAndVeggies >> hey does anyone wanna buy my social security number?

A while later, we get down to this:

[CHAT] [Rookie] FruitsAndVeggies >> so do admins usually threaten to randomly ban people without giving a reason or saying what you're
[CHAT] [Rookie] FruitsAndVeggies >> doing wrong?

Afterwards, I see Vil comment on saying he's tempted to ban you after hearing about all the above, and frankly, I agree. Now, I'm not here to condemn you, and this thread won't be locked unless it gets out of hand, same with all other threads. Unfortunately I have no idea as to what was said in private message, so that may have been where the issues arose, but now you know, these are examples of how you were trolling. If you question any of the above statements, I'll happily retrieve any piece of the logs you wish, but I grabbed all pertinent information I saw on the topics, and found little from Lex and Vil being abusive staff.

As for the plugdj incident, I've been told Epic said "I'm not deaf I just dont have much love for shitty rap," would this be correct?
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!

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RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - by Star - 08-17-2016, 08:48 AM

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