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iONBlackJesus XRAY ban Appeal
Hi everyone,

My name is Eratheon, but you can call me Josh. I am making a reply to this post and I do understand the rules for replying to a post on this section of the forums.

To build a character reference on myself, I am VIP 2 and I have been playing on this server for almost a year. I like building stuff in Minecraft, it's what I do. A quick glance at my projects show that they take time and a lot of resource gathering. iONBlackJesus was going to pay me in diamonds for a castle that I am currently building for him. The points that he mentioned above regarding my involvement are true. Being part of this server for almost a year and spending a lot of time, resources and efforts into building these things does not give me any reason to suddenly start X-Raying for ores.

I started to prove Matthew's mining method and it has been working quite successfully. I started mining at 7:07 pm EST and I took a little 20 minute food break about halfway through. As of this time right now, 8:47 pm EST, I have 69 diamonds in my inventory which I have mined. I will be putting these away in a chest. I am also using a Fortune 2, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 4 and Mending Diamond Pickaxe for the testing of this process. Note, the only difference Matthew's Pickaxe and mine are the Fortune 3 vs Fortune 2 enchantments.

I'm more than happy to provide the said evidence and will be willing to answer questions. I would invite a Staff member to come mining with me just so I can prove how the evidence was procured. 

Thank you for your time and consideration,


Messages In This Thread
iONBlackJesus XRAY ban Appeal - by iONBlackJesus - 12-12-2016, 08:41 AM
RE: iONBlackJesus XRAY ban Appeal - by Eratheon - 12-12-2016, 08:58 AM
RE: iONBlackJesus XRAY ban Appeal - by Saiyaka - 12-12-2016, 01:17 PM
RE: iONBlackJesus XRAY ban Appeal - by TheOnlyKat - 12-12-2016, 11:55 PM

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