08-12-2017, 01:11 AM
So as the thread subject suggests I would like to ask if there is any possibility of bringing this back.
I have found that while making any sort of farm or service it can sometimes be very difficult to have a warp name - that is both descriptive and precise to the service you are trying to offer - that is not already taken by another player. For instance there is only so many ways to think of a guardian farm related warp name where it might still be memorable and easy to find. (Just an example for all farms or shops).
I propose we bring back the Warp Reclamation process to allow warps where players have been inactive for a certain period of time to be resold.
That being said I would greatly appreciate peoples thoughts on the matter as I know this is likely to be a touchy subject with really everyone who doesn't wish their warp to be resold to another player if they can't get on for a while.
I propose a few rules thusly which I think are completely fair:
1. There must a strict period of inactivity of at least 6 months. This doesn't mean not building at that warp for that time, it would mean that the player has not logged in at all during that time and at that point is unlikely to return.
2. You should obviously pay the normal warp price if you use this process as obviously this is a new warp for yourself and you should be charged accordingly.
3. There should be a formal request on the forums if someone wishes to buy a warp that is already claimed with a format much like a ban appeal for example:
Name of player: Steasaur
Name of warp: PrismShop
Name of player who owns existing warp: Steasaur
I also think there should be a minimum time for it to be considered and for the existing owner to refuse this if they check the forums.
4. I think in all fairness that if a player buys a warp using this process and the old owner returns the new owner must agree to relinquish the warp to its original owner and perhaps be allowed to create a new warp name for no charge. This way everyone should be happy more or less.
Please let me know what you think, especially staff as we would be bothering you to do this for us which I completely appreciate is already adding to the work you do for us. I think this process will really come in handy for everyone in the long run and will, I hope, limit (even slightly) the amount of new warps being created and added to the list.
I have found that while making any sort of farm or service it can sometimes be very difficult to have a warp name - that is both descriptive and precise to the service you are trying to offer - that is not already taken by another player. For instance there is only so many ways to think of a guardian farm related warp name where it might still be memorable and easy to find. (Just an example for all farms or shops).
I propose we bring back the Warp Reclamation process to allow warps where players have been inactive for a certain period of time to be resold.
That being said I would greatly appreciate peoples thoughts on the matter as I know this is likely to be a touchy subject with really everyone who doesn't wish their warp to be resold to another player if they can't get on for a while.
I propose a few rules thusly which I think are completely fair:
1. There must a strict period of inactivity of at least 6 months. This doesn't mean not building at that warp for that time, it would mean that the player has not logged in at all during that time and at that point is unlikely to return.
2. You should obviously pay the normal warp price if you use this process as obviously this is a new warp for yourself and you should be charged accordingly.
3. There should be a formal request on the forums if someone wishes to buy a warp that is already claimed with a format much like a ban appeal for example:
Name of player: Steasaur
Name of warp: PrismShop
Name of player who owns existing warp: Steasaur
I also think there should be a minimum time for it to be considered and for the existing owner to refuse this if they check the forums.
4. I think in all fairness that if a player buys a warp using this process and the old owner returns the new owner must agree to relinquish the warp to its original owner and perhaps be allowed to create a new warp name for no charge. This way everyone should be happy more or less.
Please let me know what you think, especially staff as we would be bothering you to do this for us which I completely appreciate is already adding to the work you do for us. I think this process will really come in handy for everyone in the long run and will, I hope, limit (even slightly) the amount of new warps being created and added to the list.
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears!”
“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind!”
“Laugh hard, run fast, be kind... “