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I was banned for lying to staff because i griefed
1) Are you allowed add/delete/harvest anybody else's built blocks (not natural), fenced in plants or fenced in animals?
No you aren't allowed to add/break/harvest blocks built by a player because that is griefing and you aren't allowed to grief. Also just walking around their area would be trespassing so I shouldn't have even been on your area.

2) Once you know a build exists,
2a) can you walk through the area?
Yes unless it is fenced off because that is trespassing and that is bad. Some people might not want anybody on their land and I understand that.
2b) change the landscape within 100 blocks of that build?
No in the rules it clearly says no building blocks within 100 blocks of someone elses claimed area. I can understand why because people might want to expand their base and if you build it could make them have to clean up your mess and that would be griefing again.

3) If a player is banned can you take over their build?
No you cant take over their build because if they get unbanned then whatever you did they would have to fix and they would make you leave. The only reason you can is if the player tells you that you can.

4) If a build is abandoned can you remove any part of it?
No you cant because someone might still be using it. Ask whoever the owner of the place if you can or just leave.

5) If you accidentally break another players block what should you do?
You should tell a staff member and they will fix it.

6) You claim you were trying to get good loot from people's bases and yet there were numerous places where you broke items seemingly just for the sake of breaking them (Redstone broken, broken blocks left just thrown on the ground etc.) as such I would like to know. Why did you think this was acceptable?
No it wasn't just trying to get loot, I had no friends on at the time and I didn't know whose base it was so I just ran around taking things and breaking things just for the fun of doing it. I know that it is griefing and I shouldn't have done that and just waited until my friends got on. I didn't think that any staff would approve because it was griefing but i hoped that I didn't get caught because I just wanted to do something.

7) What have you learned from this experience?
I learned that griefing is really bad to do and eventually they will figure out who did it. Stealing is bad as well because you are taking what people earned because I wanted the easy way to get stuff. I hope that I never get banned again because it isn't very fun and I regret breaking/ stealing/ harvesting crops/ killing animals and a bunch more just because I wanted to have fun and get free stuff. I know now to never steal or grief.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I was banned for lying to staff because i griefed - by FlakeyFruit - 07-13-2018, 11:32 PM

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