You guys probably don't remember or don't care, but hi I'm Horse. Guess what? I came back.... after I moved, my grades got worse, and my cat died... yeah I know life's tough. But things can't get worse, right? *Whispers* dam right they can. Expect to see me on everyday hanging around my house with my horses. March 11 (which happens to be my 13 bday, yep the big teen stage. I'm going to sit around the house in my sweatpants with no party or friends, just my cat and the Hometown server) will be my one year anniversary on HomeTown, yeah
. Can't wait to see you guys again, I missed you all. Hugs and kisses!

- HorseGirl7311 • Horse • Miss. Horse -
- Owner of /warp horse_xp - New Spider Spawner -