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Ban Appeal 10/2/18: Otto_Von_BIsmarck#0199 (Discord Ban Part 2)
Well first of all, I acknowledge that Oz has had some issues of his own.  He has received assorted warnings himself, and it's entirely possible he will earn himself a ban at some point, but he is not the one whose behavior is in question at the moment.  Neither is Derp.

Whether or not Oz himself is upset with you is also not the point.  There is absolutely no question that he has been in the past, but that's also not relevant.  The behavior we've witnessed from you is unacceptable.  Period.

To put it bluntly, you're a bully.  At least three staff members have now seen this and warned you to stop, yet you persist.  This is after multiple bans for other offenses, some of which were indeed extremely distasteful, and none of which are directly related to this particular ban, but which contribute to an overall impression that you do not respect Hometown's rules, other players, or the authority of the staff.

It is not acceptable to insult another player.

It is not acceptable to intentionally provoke another player.

It is not acceptable to pretend to be friendly, then yank them around when they fall for it.

It is not acceptable to call another player names, whether or not they are present.  ('Peterson'?  Seriously?  Did you think no one here would know what that meant or think to look it up?)

It is SO VERY MUCH NOT ACCEPTABLE to make snide insinuations that a player (as well as others not even involved in the matter at hand) is mentally deficient.

And if a staff member gives you conditions for being reinstated after a ban, you either fulfill those conditions and get unbanned, or you don't.  Arguing whether the conditions were fair or expounding upon your personal standards of morality are not among your options, and will not help your case.

Either play by the rules we set down, or take your ball and go home.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Appeal 10/2/18: Otto_Von_BIsmarck#0199 (Discord Ban Part 2) - by AmbularD - 10-03-2018, 11:06 AM

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