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Public Service Warps
We recently received a suggestion from a player that we thought was a great idea, so we’re going to begin implementing it immediately.

If you have a warp that provides a public service to the players, you may be eligible to have said warp protected with an admin claim to save yourself the claim blocks. You as the owner of the warp would still have full access to build and trust whomever you wish as normal.

The kinds of warps we have in mind include xp and other farms, as well as pvp arenas, whereby you would unclaim and get your claim blocks back and an admin claim would be placed instead.

The warp must be public and free to all players, no paid access.
The warp must not have any kind of private farming collection on the side, all products must be accessible by the public.

Aside from these requirements, any warp submitted for consideration is subject to the staff team’s discretion. (Meaning we have the right to decide if it qualifies or not, over all)

If you feel your warp may be eligible, post a New Reply on this thread with your in game name, the name of your warp, and a description of what public service it provides.

Messages In This Thread
Public Service Warps - by melaniebeedot - 03-27-2021, 08:24 AM
RE: Public Service Warps - by Dark_Archer_ - 03-29-2021, 08:57 AM
RE: Public Service Warps - by UberDeathBunny - 03-29-2021, 02:43 PM
RE: Public Service Warps - by Dark_Archer_ - 03-29-2021, 06:46 PM

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