01-02-2023, 04:15 AM
1. your in game name
2. the coordinates of the build in question
4571 64 3450
3. the coordinates of the part of your base that is closest to the build in question
I have claims at 5202 90 2947 and along the coast, and the land the noob hut is on is really great for me to build something along the coast and far from other people.
4. the name of the player who owns the build in question (if known)
2. the coordinates of the build in question
4571 64 3450
3. the coordinates of the part of your base that is closest to the build in question
I have claims at 5202 90 2947 and along the coast, and the land the noob hut is on is really great for me to build something along the coast and far from other people.
4. the name of the player who owns the build in question (if known)