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Ban appeal (case or WorldAura380444)
You seem to say all the right things in your appeal, but whether you mean them or not I am unsure.

Hometown is a grief free server. That means if you didn't build it, then don't touch it. That goes for blocks, chests, everything that isn't naturally generated. Even if a build isn't claimed. Don't touch it. If a chest is unlocked. Don't touch it.

I cannot determine whether the diamond gear in your inventory was given to you or if you stole it as well, therefore your inventory has been wiped.

I will approve your appeal at this time. You are currently unbanned from HomeTown. Rest assured, you will be watched closely and your next incident will likely result in a permaban.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban appeal (case or WorldAura380444) - by DiamondBlockBen - 12-29-2023, 11:30 PM

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