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I got banned for this joke ?????
I've been quite busy this week which is why I'm only responding now. I'm going to start this appeal with a few key details in mind; This appeal does not reflect our conversation in game; and it does not give me a sufficient reason to consider unbanning you.

Let me be clear here: "because of UgamingOP and anujrider" is not a valid reason for your ban; you were banned for your own actions which you do admit to "and also me i did this".

One of the things that we've established was that you were being disrespectful to two different players; both of which,  had reported these things to staff members. Your appeal further exemplifies this disrespect when referring to these players  "UgamingOP and anujrider become toxic". Both of these players had valid reasons of them reporting what you had said and referring to them as such proves this ban and appeal hasn't shown understanding and reflection on your own actions. A player isn't toxic for reporting you to a staff member; regardless if they are your friend or not.

You were also banned on the count of stealing which you have coincedentally left out of your appeal; which I can provide proof of.

After you were banned and I had explained how to make an appeal and what it would take to be unbanned; you had messaged several admins and other server-staff asking to be unbanned. 

Now before this appeal is considered further; would you answer these few questions for me?:

Why does your appeal not reflect our conversation in game about your actions?

Can you explain why respecting others builds/items as well as players is an important rule?

Who is .Oggy_Bhaiya3689 to you?

Can you explain the comment "Pov of me:where is adolf hitler number" to me?

Messages In This Thread
RE: I got banned for this joke ????? - by Cil - 06-12-2024, 12:28 PM
RE: I got banned for this joke ????? - by Cil - 06-13-2024, 12:04 PM
RE: I got banned for this joke ????? - by Cil - 06-16-2024, 09:54 AM

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