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Ban Appeal
1. What specific advantages does x-ray give you over other players, and how does that impact the server's community and economy?
- some of the advantages x-ray gives a player is that it allows them to see valuable resources like diamonds, ancient debris, emeralds and gold. another advantage that x-ray can give is the ability to locate other players bases or hidden areas they my have around the world or base that would depend on what client you get i guess based on what ive seen on youtube. x-ray can also grant you the ability to make money fast in the economy based SMP's which ruins the fun and fairness of the experience for all players involved.    

2. What led you to x-ray, and how to you plan to ensure you won't make similar decisions in the future?
the reason i decided to x-ray was because i got super frustrated that i couldn't find nether debris after searching for ever and thats when i decided it would be a good idea to x-ray i thought id get away with it even though i new there was a strong possibility that id get caught but still did it and i regret ever doing it. i my plan for the future is to never install  x-ray or even download cheats as that really does ruin the experience for myself and everyone on server if i were to use the resources to make money. if i feel like i might wanna cheat/x-ray ill just hop of line for a little bit and take a break. i dont use x-ray anymore as i realize its not fun and defeats the purpose of playing in the first place.

3. What do you think the purpose of having rules like a no-cheating policy on a community-based server like ours is? Why is it important to follow these rules?
the main reason to have a no-cheating policy in any server is to keep the playing field fair and competitive. using cheats to gain an advantage over others as ive said ruins the experience for all parties involved. The reality is that not everyone has the same level of common sense or awareness of consequences, and not everyone can be trusted as you seen with myself only difference is that i was fully aware of the consequences and still decided to cheat. That's why its important to follow the rules provided my the servers you play on especially Hometown SMP.

4. Imagine another player admits to using x-ray after being caught. What would you say to them about why their behavior is harmful and why they should avoid it?
i would do my best to tell them that as a person that has learned it the hard way it is not okay to cheat and i would ask them to remove the cheats as it is unfair to everyone that they have an advantage to see all the valuable resources furthermore i would explain that their behavior is unacceptable and staff will found out 100% and if they still don't remove the cheats/x-ray id report them to staff as i will not be associate with someone who is actively cheating as i know the consequences of cheating and how it can effect others experience on the server.

5. Why is using AI in appeals not allowed?
using Ai in appeals isn't allowed as it you're not the one pleading your case and it does help you understand that would you did was harmful to yourself and others experience. the whole point of a Ban appeal is to give you time to think about your actions and realize the mistakes you made and but using Ai you're ruining the point of an appeal. also using Ai for an appeal that's out the aspect of accountability as the decision making process can be considered and understood which is the whole reason for the appeals in the first place. also by using Ai you have a lack of human judgment as ai can think for you and understand the situation that happened.

i would like to add that if unbanned the gear i have on was not obtained through cheats and was given to me by IllogicalSong so if possible i would like to keep it. i know the helmet for sure was apart of the stuff given to me for their personal collection. i could be wrong and im sure you can verify this as i maybe mistaken.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Appeal - by RushingBadger - 01-13-2025, 12:37 PM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Nether_Ruler - 01-16-2025, 01:32 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by RushingBadger - 01-22-2025, 02:21 PM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Nether_Ruler - 01-25-2025, 06:55 AM

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