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Statement on Duty being Banned/Demoted
Recently, Duty, a former admin, was banned. I want to be entirely transparent about this as I believe the community deserves to know when something like this happens and I don’t believe in keeping any secrecy about these topics. Duty was first barred re-entry to the staff team because after a lot of arguments and stirring drama, we thought that she was unable to display the common traits of someone that should be staff which include humility, taking accountability, being friendly and cordial with your peers, and not thinking that you’re above than anyone else.

Unfortunately, Duty was unable to take accountability or acknowledge any of the team members advise on any action and instead saw these kind statements as attacks instead and would respond back with attacks of her own. This would stir up a lot of drama and negative discourse from within the staff team and I decided that I would want to talk to her personally about this so that we could have her back on the staff team. At the end of the day, I was always rooting for her to be receptive of my gesture and unbiased conversations since I’ve always held high respect and admiration for Duty, but she instead did not take my advice and continually showed that she could not let go of personal grudges, take accountability, or even acknowledge anyone else’s perspective on this topic.

During this period where Duty was not staff, the then started a campaign to manipulate members of our community to do her bidding with messages like:
- “will you do something for me? Don’t say it was me”
- “let’s do [] to wind up the staff and community”
- instructing players to play along with her #suggestions that were submitted with the sole intent of causing staff “to sweat” and to stir server drama
- instructing players to ghost certain staff and send mgs to others to create drama and false rumors around the server.

These players that Duty targeted, after a few conversations felt uncomfortable enough to then report this behavior to staff. Because of the number of people reporting this behavior from Duty and the uneasiness of myself watching members of our community be manipulated to a point of feeling extreme uncomfortability to do someone else’s bidding, the rest of the staff voted whether Duty should be banned to preserve the safety and comfort of our community. This vote passed with all staff either voting yes to protect the community or abstaining.

Personally, I lean on my emotions to a fault sometimes and at the end of the day I was still rooting for Duty to be above all this and return to the community. I initially was against the ban, but after a couple final private conversations with Duty, I felt that this had gone too far and the ban had to happen to protect our community. Duty is welcomed to appeal the ban and a path to return is most definitely welcomed and encouraged. I have no intentions of shutting her off from this community permanently as at the end of the day I still respect and admire her.

This was the entire and full context of what recently transpired, and it was very disappointing and sad to see such a valuable and loved community member be banned. If anyone has any questions or needs more context or has anything they’d like to express or ask about – please do not hesitate to msg me and ask.

Messages In This Thread
Statement on Duty being Banned/Demoted - by frost - 03-06-2025, 07:50 AM

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