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Statement on Duty being Banned/Demoted
I should have worked it out earlier, you asked boar to contact me for this very thing.
You are worse than I
You asked boar to message me later to find out why Gam had quit. So do not make out this is any different.

We were friends and because you take everything the way, my comment about I never getting thanks, sent you raving. 

You say it's not, but I know you too well. 
Mel you are hard to work with, Admin should really just be back room pressing buttons. There should be a HR role, your people skills fall very short. Need to get out more, get working again. Sitting around playing MC all day is not good. Life will pass you by. 
Stay logged in for hours, sure you are sleeping and other stuff, this shows a real problem addiction. 
There are many channels you can get help.
Many have and still complain about you, but you brush it off as they are wrong.
Try to do something different for a week, bake, arts, read, music and not just beeps and boops of a pretend world. Let it go, as the song says. 
Anywho, I'm off to live life like I was dying. 
Which we all are.

Messages In This Thread
Statement on Duty being Banned/Demoted - by frost - 03-06-2025, 07:50 AM
RE: Statement on Duty being Banned/Demoted - by TheDutyPaid - 03-07-2025, 01:39 PM

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