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Returned to find that I'm banned.
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown, not creative one

Minecraft name: DonutDLR

Reason for your ban: Banned for Crop Theft

Who banned you: Kat

Why should you be unbanned: This is probably a mistake for reasons of, something I placed is taken as an arrow of guilt. Crop theft, really.. there are free crops at "/warp farms". And i'm thinking that someone claims I took stuff from their place? Is it because I said, in chat, "you can't prove I did it." I saw things like that because people ignore me most the time on the server.  Everyone's busy doing stuff, you know, so no one reads ALL the text. I say that and then someone that was griefed went on to blame me? I'm certain I never stole crops. and I know that not replanting is not the issue here, since I replant everything. Oh, could it be at the resource warp, but that's for anyone, plus I still replant... I'm also thinking that maybe at "/warp tuxtown" you believe I stole crops. Well I went on to nearly fill the "shed" which is south of the warp point, at tuxtown, I even spoke with Tuxgeek numerous times.. What reason could I possibly have to steal crops from them.. See my Shed statement above.. given crops. I can think of one more thing, maybe it's because I put all those Potatos and carrots in their shed that people think I must have stolen them.. but I doubt the mods are that sketchy.

Why do you want to come back:  I'm no thief and I do not argue with folks. You have practically no worries of me breaking rules. It genuinely made me upset that I saw the 'you banned" thing on my screen.. and when I read 'for crop theft' it made me go, "whhhaaaat!?" It's not too late for you to have a me return, can't wait to finish up my house , it's a bit of an eyesore but.. at least that's not on the list of rules.. Look, I don't bother anyone, I don't swear, I don't mention illegal drugs or alcohol, argue, steal, kill, wound or maim, or partake in general shenanigans. I don't need to go to another server. There's community here and the folks are good, they've spent time on here, they do stuff..


Messages In This Thread
Returned to find that I'm banned. - by DonutDLR - 04-27-2016, 08:08 AM
RE: Returned to find that I'm banned. - by Star - 04-29-2016, 12:52 AM

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