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50 Things That Make You Happy
Okay so these are probably gonna go from most important things I can't live without to the least.

1. Friends. Like, true friends who are always by your side.
2. Family. The ones that actually care and don't argue all the time.
3. Air cadets. Honestly its like a second hone there.
4. Internet. No, not because I'm lazy and boring, because I can interact with you guys. (see: 1)
5. My floofy rabbit, Bud.
6. Jo's floofy rabbit, Smoky (yes it's spelt like that).
7. When the LGBTQIA+ community are represented in a good image.
8. Walking alone through the countryside.
9. The gentle trickle of a stream.
10. The sunrise/sunset.
11. The moon.
12. The song of birds in the morning.
13. Being able to actually speak without stuttering.
14. Hoodies/jumpers.
15. Watching the clouds and trying to figure out what they look like.
16. Drawing. (even though I suck, lol.)
17. Buying a new book and the fact that it's neat.
18. The crackle of wood fueling a bonfire.
19. The stars.
20. Writing
21. Finding the "story" in other people's art
22. Listening to music
23. Cycling.
24. The smell of autumn leaves after it's rained (common in the UK xD)
25. Aircraft. (Eurofighter Typhoon my personal favourite, and the Viktor)
26. Watching SpongeBob
27. Astrophysics
28. Hot chocolate.
29. Plushies
30. The smell of febreeze sandal wood
31. Inspirational quotations and stuff (see signature, lol)
32. Being able to get this far with the list.
33. When you get to lie in.
34. Waking up and thinking it's Monday but then realising it's Saturday
35. The sound of rain.
36. Watching lightning
37. The "Once Upon a Time" series on Netflix
38. Asda's own Choco Squares. (they may not be branded but they sure are something to look forward to on a Monday morning)
39. Sharpies.
40. Eclipses
41. The crunch of snow beneath your feet.
42. The patter of dogs feet
43. Hugs that don't make me feel trapped
44. The smell of freshly cut grass.
45. The fresh air after being in a stuffy room
46. Rollercoasters
47. Badminton
48. Yorkshire puddings
49. The smell of Warburton's Crusty White bread
50. Looking for certain stars (like the North Star, Sirius, Bellatrix etc)
"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of their skin, or their background or their religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
~Nelson Mandela

Messages In This Thread
50 Things That Make You Happy - by Maddie_Amity - 06-02-2016, 05:09 AM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by Star - 06-02-2016, 08:01 AM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by TheOnlyKat - 06-02-2016, 09:48 PM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by vilneas - 06-03-2016, 05:49 AM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by Keero - 06-03-2016, 07:00 AM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by 12wolfie - 06-03-2016, 09:06 AM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by Danoir_ - 06-03-2016, 11:55 PM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by Oshakai - 06-04-2016, 03:06 AM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by ZoBot_ - 06-04-2016, 03:06 PM
RE: 50 Things That Make You Happy - by Chlo - 06-17-2016, 02:07 PM

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