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Ban appeal
Okay, you have been unbanned. You will need to give all the contraband to a staff. Additionally, you will need to go back through the tutorial due to the fact you had griefed quite a lot of things.
- KatNip

Messages In This Thread
Ban appeal - by coolzombie2004 - 06-04-2016, 06:40 AM
RE: Ban appeal - by TheOnlyKat - 06-04-2016, 06:46 PM
RE: Ban appeal - by coolzombie2004 - 06-04-2016, 09:12 PM
RE: Ban appeal - by Arayvek - 06-04-2016, 09:37 PM
RE: Ban appeal - by coolzombie2004 - 06-04-2016, 09:59 PM
RE: Ban appeal - by Arayvek - 06-04-2016, 10:09 PM
RE: Ban appeal - by coolzombie2004 - 06-04-2016, 10:13 PM
RE: Ban appeal - by TheOnlyKat - 06-04-2016, 10:42 PM

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