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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown:

Minecraft name: MsBlurryface

Reason for your ban: X-raying.

Who banned you: Rowebot

Why should you be unbanned: The Hometown community is and always will be one of the most welcoming communities I have been a part of, and I would dearly miss it if I were banned permanently. You have my word to never use an x-ray pack or any other mod/resource pack/etc. to benefit me or any friends unfairly. I have even gone to the extent of deleting the resource pack from my .minecraft file, though I know that most likely doesn’t mean much. The staff members on this server are very respectable and I have found that hard to come by on other servers, most of them are very immature. Once more, I am very much aware of the fact that x-raying is a very serious offense and should not be taken lightly, I would 100% understand if you didn’t want to unban me. I’m not going to spew lies saying I didn’t do it, and I apologize for lying when first asked if I was x-raying. I did and I wholeheartedly admit that I can also wholeheartedly promise not to do it again. I can destroy the resources I gained from the mining trip (64 Diamonds, two stacks of red stone, unsure of others) or give them to any members of the community that are struggling, whichever you’d prefer. I would also like to give the reason why I x-rayed; simply because another member of the community (who I will not name but was banned as well) said something about him doing so and I stupidly thought that it would be a smart idea too. You are welcome to keep an eye on me for a few weeks or however else long; I’d completely understand that too.
People can change, I do think so, but not overnight. I decided to wait a day to write this appeal because, as desperate as I am, I didn’t want to come off that way. This server means a lot to me and the friends I have both invited on here, have made, and hope to make if my appeal is accepted. Before I was banned, I had a small community of my close friends growing; I would hate to leave that behind. When I was reading the forums, however, I did notice that one of the staff (I forgot the username, apologies) said that it is very unlikely to be unbanned after x-raying, so, as stated before, I would understand if the appeal were denied, though thoroughly disappointed.

Why do you want to come back:The reasons that I want to come back could go on forever, this server is all-and-all anything I could want in a community. The people of Hometown are some of the nicest, funniest, most welcoming people I’ve ever met. I’ve even made some very good friends through the community that have helped me through some tough times; losing such a server with such memories would be heartbreaking. I also feel I could help the community grow; I’d like to invite some more of my friends onto the server so we can play over the summer. I just graduated and likely will not physically see any of my old friends much or at all anymore, so this server could be the saving grace of our friendship. I also have put a lot of (legitimate) effort into gathering my other resources, building my house, helping others build their own houses, and growing a group of people to talk to. I have been on the server for roughly seven or eight months, I would be deeply saddened if those nine months of friendships and building went to waste.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application, I hope I am at least taken into consideration. I apologize for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language and I didn’t have anybody to check it.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Appeal - by Lizzieguana - 06-09-2016, 03:20 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Rowebot - 06-10-2016, 07:40 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Lizzieguana - 06-10-2016, 08:02 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Rowebot - 06-11-2016, 12:23 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Lizzieguana - 06-12-2016, 01:29 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Rowebot - 06-12-2016, 02:27 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by Lizzieguana - 06-12-2016, 03:05 AM

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