06-24-2016, 09:29 PM
This is unlikely related to the render distance issue, but while we're on the topic, I have a farm that completely stopped working recently. I haven't been active for a few months until recently, and it worked fine before that but now has about a 5% success rate. It's a piston operated, fully automatic melon/pumpkin farm. It's not the render distance; it probably only covers 1 or 2 chunks. Lately, the pistons usually just don't fire, for no apparent reason, and I've been wondering why. Is it just the lag/player count that prevents it from working? Anybody know of any way to fix this without decreasing the size of the farm? It's pretty massive. Produces about a double of melon slices in less than an hour. Has tons of hoppers, but I was told back in 1.8 that it was ok for me to have it as long as it wasn't causing server lag, which it didn't seem to be. (It's currently working on other servers).
you can't take trash out of the oven