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Noob Hut Removal Request Thread
1. Col_Mustard007
2. 4029 7655
3. 4032 7751
4. .Vastenarok (9 months 29 days)
1.  Ouch_Ouch_Dead
2.  2270, 88, -8683 new world
3. 2216, 82, -8797
4. .Chonky_Seal6481

just wanting to expand my city in that direction.
IGN: smartens1
their build: -3189 64 -7804 NewWorld
My build: -3195 64 -7742 NewWorld
the person who built the build: unknown
IGN: TheOnlyKat
Their build -6527 1213
My build -6447 1258
Owner HotheadB (offline 4 years 3 months)
World - Old World
- KatNip
smartens1 cleared.
TheOnlyKat cleared.
1. RealEmbodiment
2. 3730.790/68/10474.445
3. 3648.555/123/10508.444
4. unknown
RealEmbodiment cleared.
1. KatakornArt
2. There are 2: 8838, 67, 5632 and 8740, 87, 5506
3. 8867, 67, 5622, and 8751, 81, 5544
4. Both builds are unclaimed, but build one was built by .axlott12323, the second build I'm not sure, but their are furnaces and chests so I'm sure it can be figured out easily.

More information: you will notice when you travel to the coordinates provided, there are now tons of little huts spread throughout the mangrove swamp. These are all my temporary claimed builds. My goal is to terraform the ENTIRE mangrove swamp biome in this area into a custom marsh, likely with minimal actual houses (but we will see). My terraforming will boarder .jacktheman's base, but I have his permission, and he was the one who invited me to build here. For the second house on the noob hut removal form, that one I would ideally like to see removed, however if that's not possible, it's ok. I simply want permission to be able to terraform the mangrove swamp that boarders their house (their house is in the jungle biome but RIGHT next to the swamp.) my terraforming would come within 100 blocks of the edge of their unclaimed base.

(Another note: there was a bunch of mob-proof lighting all in the mangrove swamp, which I have already removed in prep for the terraforming I have planned. I'm now starting to think I shouldn't have done that yet without permission, as it may be considered grief even though the lighting was in the unclaimed areas. I'm sorry if this was against the rules. I will try my best to put it back if needed.?)

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