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Poll: Option 1 or Option 2?
This poll is closed.
Option 1
78 42.16%
Option 2
107 57.84%
Total 185 vote(s) 100%
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Official Poll on Reset
(07-10-2016, 09:03 AM)Arrei Wrote:
(07-10-2016, 09:01 AM)Thorsassin Wrote:
(07-10-2016, 08:55 AM)Arrei Wrote:
(07-09-2016, 05:55 AM)frost Wrote: Add your minecraft username to your forum bio as a form of voter authentication. Your vote will not be counted at the end if you don't.

Reposting this. I'm seeing some people who have not updated their bios. Please do so before the vote closes - this may be as early as Monday!

That's a silly idea to be doing now in my opinion, who's to say people will not scroll past the first post after they voted, or even if read the thread again other than looking at the poll. Probably should have been done at the start if it was to be added not in the middle of the vote... Perhaps send mail to all in game to make them double aware of this change.

That's been there since yesterday. I'm calling further attention to it because I've noticed people neglecting to do so after re-voting.

See what i mean? Smile
IGN: Genocore
No, not in the least.
(07-10-2016, 09:05 AM)Arrei Wrote: No, not in the least.

ill try and remind the server every now and then, incase people don't active the forums and voted
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


Hello! Most of you probably dont know me too well anymore (those of you that do, I'm still off and on on complete back~ness!) As one of the richest people, with the LARGEST gold, emerald, and sugar farms, and many MANY parts of the 3 worlds under my or Arayvek's PStones, I voted for a RESET! GASP! A fresh start would be quite ideal. It allows me a chance to redo all my major farms, have fun on a new world, and rebuild with a fresh new design (seriously, my base is made of gold, not much in aesthetics). Anyways, good luck to EVERYONE on the vote~!
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(07-09-2016, 05:55 AM)frost Wrote: Add your minecraft username to your forum bio as a form of voter authentication. Your vote will not be counted at the end if you don't.

Reposting this. I'm seeing some people who have not updated their bios. Please do so before the vote closes - this may be as early as Monday!

That's a silly idea to be doing now in my opinion, who's to say people will not scroll past the first post after they voted, or even if read the thread again other than looking at the poll. Probably should have been done at the start if it was to be added not in the middle of the vote... Perhaps send mail to all in game to make them double aware of this change.

That's been there since yesterday. I'm calling further attention to it because I've noticed people neglecting to do so after re-voting.

See what i mean? Smile

(07-10-2016, 09:05 AM)Arrei Wrote: No, not in the least.

I marked out the point i'm making. You noticed people are slow to do it as well. With the poll maybe closing on Monday, it might now be enough time for everyone who voted to update their sig, Willing to bet half of the players don't even know how to update their sig either.
IGN: Genocore
There should have been notifications sent about the poll resetting, during which they would (or rather, should) have seen the clarification about it. Was that info not made known?
Here's my take on this. I like option one because I feel I have accomplished many great things with what I currently have and I still have more to do. I like option two because it'll be a new adventure. I don't know, I'm mostly here for the people, so either way I probably won't quit the server. I must say, though, I feel many people will want to leave with a reset and we'll lose a lot of friends during that time period. Hopefully, not too many people will be too upset at the outcome.
ChloDoesMC is a cLod
[Image: tumblr_inline_nvzh83kHAX1qdqn46_540.gif]
(07-10-2016, 09:24 AM)Thorsassin Wrote: I marked out the point i'm making. You noticed people are slow to do it as well. With the poll maybe closing on Monday, it might now be enough time for everyone who voted to update their sig, Willing to bet half of the players don't even know how to update their sig either.

You clearly did not read the post at all whatsoever. We updated it saying in big, bright red letters, "even if you voted, read this." We also sent out server-wide mail telling people to read the rules and vote. We also put up a tutorial on how to get to your forum bio (which again, if you read the post, it says bio, not sig). You really need to check first before making these kinds of statements lol.
[Image: tumblr_nfz4m14xkj1toipevo1_400.gif]
(07-10-2016, 10:03 AM)Saiyaka Wrote:
(07-10-2016, 09:24 AM)Thorsassin Wrote: I marked out the point i'm making. You noticed people are slow to do it as well. With the poll maybe closing on Monday, it might now be enough time for everyone who voted to update their sig, Willing to bet half of the players don't even know how to update their sig either.

You clearly did not read the post at all whatsoever. We updated it saying in big, bright red letters, "even if you voted, read this." We also sent out server-wide mail telling people to read the rules and vote. We also put up a tutorial on how to get to your forum bio (which again, if you read the post, it says bio, not sig). You really need to check first before making these kinds of statements lol.

I went of based on epics sig, had a quick look at the main post and missed the tutorial part about the bio as it's small compared to everything else in the post, after reading something once eyes tend to skip things at least mine, but my mistake for missing bio. This server wide message is very recent for updating bio, like a few hours recent, was not done yesterday nor when i was on a few hours ago unless my mail has a huge delay, same with the big letters on main post. However my point still stands i feel, there was no need to add this rule while this late into the poll, do you honestly expect the majority of people to be active in game or read main forum post, & update their bio all in the space of a day or two and on a weekend at that with the poll potentially going to close on Monday, if so, you have more nerve than i have when it comes to something this game changing for server. While typing this, i thought of another idea, of adding more to the thread title, either saying UPDATED or something about the changes, every little helps.
IGN: Genocore
We'll all be losing stuff with Option 2, I'll lose 11k+, my castle, and all the diamonds I've mined in the past two months. But honestly? I can't wait for everyone to be equal again. It'll be plausible to achieve baltop 1 for EVERYONE, the economy won't be terribly broken, and you won't have to spend 2962075 hours trying to find a place where there isn't an abandoned shit-shack so you can build. It'll be so much lovlier

(Personal opinion, not necessarily staff's)

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