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Ban Appeal (Lunarise)
Server you were banned on (SMP): HometownMC

Minecraft name: Lunarise

Reason for your ban: "Griefing"

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: I apparently "Griefed" someone else's (Julia1075) home and property. I was not aware that it was her property at the time, and I came across it when no one was on. I assumed it was abandoned. That was my first day on the server. Today, my second day, I came across Julia's name tag. I said hello and dug down to where she was because I was curious, as to who it was. I said Hello and she told to me to leave, to which I obliged. I then carried on my proceedings from my first day, which was to collect dirt and sand to terraform an area. However, I was apprently too close to her area and was digging in her home. I apologized and moved back to my area. When she told me to leave and go farther away from her area, I obliged and moved behind my wall. Then she got upset because I had put a wall up, separating my area from her's. To which she responded angrily because she wouldn't be able to use the dessert behind my wall. I made an opening in that wall, under staff's request. I assumed we would have no more problems. But then, she wanted me to tear down my wall simply because she wanted to use the dessert to herself. I said no, and that she would be able to use the dessert. She still had a problem with me, and called in another staff member AKA Grimm_Wolfe. Julia said the same thing she had said before, and Grimm banned me while I was explaining. The grief was unintentional. I thought I wouldn't be able to break that block because it was in her territory, and i wanted to make sure. However, I ended up breaking the block and not being able to replace it. In conclusion, I was wrongly banned, as all acts of grief were accidental. I apologize, yet I am still confused as to why I was banned in the first place.  Huh Thank you, and that is all.

Why do you want to come back: I was wrongly banned, and I should be allowed to build. I obliged to the majority of Julia's terms, and I did not mean grief her area. I am currently trying to set up a community for my friends and I. I am new to the server, and I feel wrongly judged. I am terribly sorry about the misunderstanding, wished to build. It was accidental. Once again, I am very sorry. Confused Sad

I voted for the wrong thing. oopsie
Count it as "Should Be Unbanned"
(08-20-2016, 01:00 AM)Lunarise Wrote: Why should you be unbanned: I apparently "Griefed" someone else's (Julia1075) home and property. I was not aware that it was her property at the time, and I came across it when no one was on. I assumed it was abandoned. That was my first day on the server. Today, my second day, I came across Julia's name tag. I said hello and dug down to where she was because I was curious, as to who it was. I said Hello and she told to me to leave, to which I obliged. I then carried on my proceedings from my first day, which was to collect dirt and sand to terraform an area. However, I was apprently too close to her area and was digging in her home. I apologized and moved back to my area. When she told me to leave and go farther away from her area, I obliged and moved behind my wall. Then she got upset because I had put a wall up, separating my area from her's. To which she responded angrily because she wouldn't be able to use the dessert behind my wall. I made an opening in that wall, under staff's request. I assumed we would have no more problems. But then, she wanted me to tear down my wall simply because she wanted to use the dessert to herself. I said no, and that she would be able to use the dessert. She still had a problem with me, and called in another staff member AKA Grimm_Wolfe. Julia said the same thing she had said before, and Grimm banned me while I was explaining. The grief was unintentional. I thought I wouldn't be able to break that block because it was in her territory, and i wanted to make sure. However, I ended up breaking the block and not being able to replace it. In conclusion, I was wrongly banned, as all acts of grief were accidental. I apologize, yet I am still confused as to why I was banned in the first place.  Huh Thank you, and that is all.

Why do you want to come back: I was wrongly banned, and I should be allowed to build. I obliged to the majority of Julia's terms, and I did not mean grief her area. I am currently trying to set up a community for my friends and I. I am new to the server, and I feel wrongly judged. I am terribly sorry about the misunderstanding, wished to build. It was accidental. Once again, I am very sorry. Confused Sad

I voted for the wrong thing. oopsie
Count it as "Should Be Unbanned"

When you joined the server, you completed our tutorial quiz.  The very first sign you saw on this server reads:
[Image: Screen_Shot_2016_08_19_at_9_17_55_PM.png]

[Image: Screen_Shot_2016_08_19_at_9_18_15_PM.png]
[Image: Screen_Shot_2016_08_19_at_9_18_23_PM.png]

Let's review these image and compare its content to your actions.
  • Do not damage or modify any builds you do not own / You do not own Julia's home and you modified it
  • Even if a build is abandoned, it is not okay to grief it / You thought it was abandoned and modified it
  • Breaking blocks that you do not own and someone else does is grief / You broke blocks on Julia's home, therefor you griefed
  • If you grief, you will be banned / You griefed, therefor you're banned

You were not "wrongly banned" as you claim, you're just immensely ignorant of our rules and got banned from your immense ignorance.

Until you take responsibility for your actions and admit you griefed, you're appeal is denied.  Locking thread.  Remake your appeal only if you decide to stop shirking the responsibilities of your actions and stop playing a victim-role.

Don't waste my time further.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook


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