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Tresure hunt!
One thing I love to do is leave little tresures around for people to find. For my first one I decided to go sort of big with a pretty hefty iron sword with smite V, Mending, unbreaking 3 and looting 3. Right now somewhere in our overworld hanging on an item frame on a tree is this sword for you to have if you can find it.

I'll make it easy for everyone and give you a few easy hints to where it might be.

I randomed to 288 67 9093.
I then traveled east until I reached the river.
at the river I traveled south to the spruce wood forest.
in that spruce wood forest looking at the mountains to the south east is where it is.

Good luck and have fun. =)

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The way Minecraft was meant to be played.
Did someone already found it?
I'm not sure, I'll have to go check.
The way Minecraft was meant to be played.

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