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KeaPatera's Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): HomeTown Survival

Minecraft name: KeaPatera/iKea

Reason for your ban: Rule 1 & 2 Violation/Rudeness

Who banned you: KatNip

Why should you be unbanned: First of all, I would like to honestly apologise to the server and everyone I have caused pain and trouble to. My actions were VERY unexcusable and unfortunately I went too far when I could have stopped myself. Im not sure if I should go into detail of what I said but it is along the lines of sarcastically calling people "a-holes" and saying "STFU" a lot. I tend to have some dark humour.

I have probably hurt some people personally and I'm pretty sure I offended some people personally. I tend to forget that not everyone has the humour that I do and some people can be more sensitive than others to certain things or statements.

I wasnt really being myself. I always wanted to be one of the "cool players" who were popular and everyone liked and I was trying too hard to the point where it obviously got me banned.

(I am not a very good writer so bear with me)

I would like to say that I am very sorry to those who I have hurt and I understand If you do not want me back. I should accept the consequences of my actions. 

Right after I was banned the sudden "woah what have I done" feeling hit me. It took a blow to realise that I was being excessive even though I had warnings from other players and mods.

Why do you want to come back: Well for the past year and a half (I think) this server has been my life. It was my cope for dark times and freedom in good times. It was there for me during my brothers transplant and sickness and when I was suicidal and depressed. It was one of the best things that happened to me. Ive known some amazing people on here (such as Senpai_matthew, shelbie, Miku, RedemptionRX2, xxsuperfoxx, bumblebeebuster, and all the amazing mods and Admins.) I hope that you may forgive me and we can work out a game plan on how we can control the situation if it ever becomes noticable again.
I would like to try again if you would have me and I understand If you wont. Again, This was entirely my fault and my father always told me that every action has a consequence. There is no escaping it.

I will always love you all and I thank you for the experience and the friendships and the support and the safety I've gotten out of this server. You were always there for eachother during hard times. 


In case I am forever banned, I would like to set some affairs,

I would like to leave my whole town, all my properties, money, mayoral rights of Coquitlam (warp Coquitlam), and items to Senpai_Matthew so he can carry on what I fell in love with.
I was planning on making him Co-Mayor eventually but this would be a good time to let him become Co-Mayor


Keaton H. | KeaPatera  Heart

Btw If anyone has a question or needs me to clarify I will be happy to. My writing skills are a bit off but i hope I got it covered.
Okay, your appeal is well written and has good detail to it. You have shown me that you are sorry and regret your actions. However, you need to realize that if you be your self, people will still be your friend. The stuff you said last night, was not appropriate; people have been banned before over similar situations.

You started off with:
[19:24:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [VIP2] iKeaSellsPickles >> averom do you have a shower i can cum in?
[19:29:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [VIP2] iKeaSellsPickles >> cumcumcumcumcum
You know that this isn't acceptable and is something people usually get kicked for, especially when new people join the server. Yes we are a mature server and like some jokes here and there, but this is one thing that can disturb others.

After you had to say things that got more concerning; which lead to your ban:
[19:48:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [VIP2] iKeaSellsPickles >> TRY ME BTCH
[20:00:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [VIP2] iKeaSellsPickles >> if you cuss you fucking get banned, assholes

Rule 1:Be respectful to all players and staff.
In addition, not to long ago not only me, but other people had warned, kicked and muted you for your actions. You agreed when talking to me to stop.

Overall, if you can tell me that you will stop all of the above, I will consider unbanning you. You have told me how it affects other players and how it can be sensitive to them; as well as explaining that you're sorry to them. I'd like you to also explain why respect is important on the server.
- KatNip
Okay here goes. Respect is honestly what builds relationships and keeps them. when there is no mutual respect between eachother, there is no real relationships and the whole thing is fake. Respect means doing your best to not make others uncomfortable and that you care. respect on the server means that you care about the other players and that having a relationship with the others is important to you. it means not saying rude and crude things when you know it makes them uncomfortable. relationships without respect is pure anarchy. It doesnt mean anything without it. Mutual respect is not only important on the server, but everywhere else too. It is important on our server because Hometown is a place to make friends and team up and build civilizations. Almost everyone on Hometown has respect for eachother and that was one of the things i lacked at the time.

I hope that was clear enough. Im not the best writer and some of that may have sounded repetetive.

I promise to not lose respect and to be a loving, caring, and a helpful friendly person on the server from now on. I promise to follow the rules and do my best to oblige. I really care for this server and I hope that you would have me back. Smile


Edit: I almost forgot to thank you for the feedback. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me understand. Smile
I will be unbanning you. If you act up again it may lead to a permanent ban. Please be more careful u.u Welcome back to HT.
- KatNip
I apologise for being away from my computer for a few days but THANK YOU so so much! Thank you for the second chance! You will NOT regret thisSmile
Proud Owner Of KeaHomes RealEstate @ warp KeaHomes
[Image: jeicCB]

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