03-05-2017, 10:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2017, 10:09 AM by ak_orange_peel.)
So my name is ak_orange_peel ( don't ask its a long story ) I have been on the the server and forums but have never introduced myself. I have not had minecraft for long so pardon the noob questions. But all that aside, I love minecraft AND HT. If you have been on the forums for a bit you might have seen me. I don't post much but like to read ban apels. I do this party because I have been banned once before for a slit acsidentel grefi. I usually play about 2 too 3 times a week but have been traveling and spending time with family so have not had time to play much lately. I live near the end of the left spawn road ( the one with the tunnel right at the start.) Come by we can chat and I will give you food. So please! Stop by and say hi! You will always be welcome ( unless you're coming to steal stuff then by all means stay down ) I live in a large ( and very ugly) tree house. You can't miss it. I do apologize for the spelling mistakes I am not very good at big words.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain