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Yo, WTF?
This will be a simple thread.  Share some of your WTF-moments you've experienced in your life.  They can be from whenever in your life.  Please, be as detailed and truthful as possible.  Label NSFW/NSFL when applicable, too.

Eating & Shitting? e-@
Well, I once used a restroom on my campus, and-while I was washing my hands-a person flushed and exited a stall while eating a burrito.  Didn't wash or anything.  Pretty gross.

"That Cigarette Smelled Weird"
This was during my 2nd semester at my university.  I had just got out of my Italian class and was walking with a classmate.  A man blew smoke and we walked through it as he walked the past us.  Now, I was very naive at the time and just commented on how odd it smelled than usual tobacco.  My classmate looked me and said, "'cause that was weed"  The man gave no fucks, just walking across campus smoking a joint.

Shooting Range Mishaps
Just a few of them.

Shot in The Face:  this happened over a year ago.  I went to the local shooting range when it wasn't busy and started shooting my dad's .45ACP Springfield-Armory Operator (1911 pistol).  Well, I was shooting and I felt something smack me two inches below my right eye.  It felt like someone flicked me with their finger there, hard.  I felt the spot, no blood.  I started looking at the ground and found what hit me.  It was a dime-sized piece of the copper-jacket that surrounds the bullet, I got hit in the face with a ricocheted bullet fragment.  The backstop (the surface that stops the bullet) is over 60 yards / 54.9m away from the firing line.  Safety glasses, folks; always.

"Don't Hold It Like That": once saw a woman hold a pistol like this.  She fired before I could warn her, it was a self-correcting issue beyond that point.  [For those who don't know.  When that type of pistol is fired, the entire upper-section slides back at high-speed and it's very sharp.  She cut her thumb.]

"He's Shooting The Ceiling" (/_-):  untrained people and firearms do not mix, and it scares the crap out of me when I see them.  I once saw a man rent the range's .45ACP civilian-model Kriss Vector, put a target out to ~7ft, tuck the weapon under his arm, aim close to a 45degree angle upward and let loose.  I shoot at an indoor range, he put like seven rounds through the ceiling before his friend pointed it out.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

This happaned in the spring, this year

A rumour was spreading by that there was a pedophile running around the elementary school and daycare that was nearby my home.
  While i never got to see it, my neighbours kids told me that he was chasing their two of their classmates when they came to school. I did’nt believe that, but the police was called to the scene. Apparently no-one was found, so i guess it was just a rumour. Still, a bit scary to think that there was a naked, old man chasing kids.

This happaned in the same elementary school i was going to few years back

I was heading back to home, when i bumped to my 2 friends who were discussing about something ”danger of life”, which, got me curious. However they ran off, and i continued outside the building. Midway to home, i heard the school firealarm go off. Apparently a prank gone wrong, and nothing was burned, but god help those two.

The great *Meatball* war *cough* happaned a year back    ...i think

So we were having some *meatballs* for lunch (actually it was fish meatballs but because the menu said its meatballs it has to be meatballs.) and i was sitting at one of the side tables. Then, someone decided it would be a fantastic idea to throw a meatball. It flew, like a paperplane, trough the hall, landing on the other side, to the sea of people. Soon enough, from the table it landed to, another meatball was thrown. The chain continued, and more and more was added to the chain. It was pretty majestic to watch from the (out)siders tables, until someone decided to throw a f*cking plate (yeah i know, wise people) 
It ended before it even started. It was so fun to see how goddamn stupid people can be even at this age. But, i guess, its a shitposter’s life, so i didnt get involved. Sh*t like this happens once in a blue moon (means rarely) and its always something worth seeing. Another similiar ”incident” was the great snowball fight. Throwing a snowball in this education system is like performing a deadly Sin, and there even was a rumour that someone got kicked out of the school because he dropped a snowball on the ground. Guess it was the last straw, huh? What are you guys supposed to be? Anyway, we had a fire drill, and everyone was outside, performing lines by height and alphabetic order. I wonder how is that supposed to help in a fire drill... anyway, it was wet and snowy, perfect opportunity for snowballs. It all started with one, and it became a bloody darn war. I guess that sums up the Intelligence lvl of the maggots i study with... anyhow, it ended before it started, too. Only one guy got to trouble, and if the rumours are to be belived, he didn’t throw a single snowball. 
   Sorry i wrote a bloody essay again, sorry about that.

That’s about it, i have a bit boring of a life Confused

A rumour about a naked pedophile running around my neighbourhood, never got caught
My friends pulled a prank that ended up causing a firealarm
A guy threw a meatball in the cafeteria, causing a meatball war
Aother guy threw a snowball during firedrill, causing a snowball fight
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
One time my cousin and i went to an amusement park, and when we were standing in line, i overheard the 2 kids behind us saying "lets practise our screams now, before we go on the ride." And they started screaming, to the point where i turned around and yelled shut the fuck up!

one time at new years eve, i was outside in my town looking at the fireworks, and i look over and see a guy that was so drunk that he was swaying around, i looked a bit closer and he was pissing into the sea while drunk and looked like he was about to fall into the water.
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

History Class Mayhem 

so um it was last week and i was in my last class of the day, which was history. my school, like most schools, allow students with study blocks to become a teachers assistant instead of keeping the study block. I TA for the librarians, (ill tell more about that later) and normally TA's do work. Not in my history class. So this day happened to be Halloween. We were doing notes about the age of exploration and it was pretty cool. The TA left the room with a bag and didn't come back for a few minutes. meanwhile, the teacher was walking around the room lecturing about explorers. She moved to stand in front of the door,   and as soon as the did... a face appeared in the window to the hall.

it was the TA....
wearing a flash costume?1

so all of us we're confused, the teacher was laughing her ass off and we just were like "wtf?". the teacher refused to let the kid in, and the kid just started running in place, then ran off down the hall doing the Naruto run. a few minutes pass and the kid doesn't show back up. there's another window to the outside courtyard in the classroom. the blinds were open to let the sunlight in. suddenly the teacher stops lecturing and looks over to the window. The flash is standing there, trying to get into the classroom. finally, after many minutes of shits and giggles, the teacher lets him in. he runs around the classroom, gives the teacher a hug, and says "OFF TO MATH LAB" and sprints down the hall. Math lab is a thing to do during study block, it provides extra help for math stuffs.  We were all confused to say the least
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
o3o my brother was a wild 12 year old

Me and my brother were exploring the Wisconsin dells one year and he had already embarrassed me countless times just walking through the hall ways. But then we came to a stair case, and he pulled his shirt off and got chest down on the floor, started screaming like a velociraptor and slid down on his chest while everyone around stared at us confused.
He had a huge red mark on the front of his body after from carpet burn, since the stairs were carpeted. 
I just pulled him away and kept walking.
[Image: IqEDa8l.png][Image: IgRwvbV.gif]
One time while I was at work bagging groceries at my local Jewel-Osco( grocery store) a lady bought 5lbs of apples and she flipped out at the price that rang up she said that the apples were 99 cents, the apples were 99 cents per pound. The woman responded by saying “I’ll just go to the service desk and get them cheaper”. I was just standing there thinking how do some people that stupid even survive along with laughing with the cashier at the whole ordeal.

Those who hunt monsters should be careful lest they become monsters themselves-Fredrick Nietzche 
I too work grocery, in the produce area and we get a fair amount of the customer WTF moments like people misunderstanding sales signs then getting upset over the price, and my personal favorite: a person standing in front of the product they are looking for then asking you to help them find it. I had a moment some months back when a customer, standing in front of the grapes, during our morning rush, ask me "where are the grapes?" My response was to take her by the shoulder and turn her to face the table followed by "right here, ma'am."

However, our best WTF moments come from morning delivery from the warehouse. Part of my morning duties include using the fork lift to off load the refrigeration truck which houses supplies like produce, dairy, and meats. On more than one occasion we have opened the truck and just stood, gawking in dumbfounded awe at the way a load has been shipped. Milk comes on a pallet that stands about five and a half foot tall (1.6m). Our truck door is just short of 7ft (2.1m) with the trailer ceiling at 8ft (2.4m). Often we find a pallet of potatoes, which out weight the milk, stacked on top of the milk and scraping the ceiling. The question often is how did they get it on there as our fork lift has a guard on the forks to prevent loads falling back onto the driver. The guard is tall enough that we cannot get the forks into the pallet of potatoes w/o punching a hole in the ceiling of the trailer, nor can we lift the potatoes off the milk if we did get into it because of the ceiling. The height difference between the ceiling and the trailer door also makes it impossible to simply drag the stack off the truck. Mind you this is not a rare occurrence, it happens nearly weekly and usually results in someone having to climb the pallets and off load the top one by hand, passing 50lb (22.6k) bags down to a person below. E-mails sent to the warehouse on this issue have so far (3yrs worth now) gone unanswered.
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.
History Mayhem part 2 
We played quizlet live in history and we were allowed to pick weird and silly names. there were names like Trump, Cash me outside, BOIIII and so on. The teacher is pretty cool so she let us keep it. i named myself "Incoherent scree" and whenever i got a question right i just went scree very softly
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
This is a true story that happened this year.

So one time we have a party at my friend'a farm and some guys decide they are hungry and walk Into town for MacDonalds. Problem: the farm is a mile outside town, and another mile from Maccies. Did I mention its midnight on a Saturday night in the middle of the countryside? Anyways we get a call at 3am saying that they finally found Maccies and decided to eat in "because it'll be faster" (they're drunk btw). They then set off back to the farm. Somehow they manage to get out of town and all the way back to the road heading to the farm. Me and two friends walk half a mile to the farm entrance to meet them, and when we can't see them we head down the road to get them. What happened next was the most terrifying thing I've experienced to date.

So theres three of us, and we see the three guys coming down the road towards us walking very fast. I run to them and my mate says "NO TURN AROUND AND DONT STOP WALKING". He's setting a super fast pace and looks a little insane in the (now nearly 4am) moonlight. We're on this straight Tarmac road in the middle of nowhere and that same friend goes "we're being followed".

He says they noticed a man behind them as they left town. Every time a car went past he would say something about turning their lights off and he kept a constant distance behind them. When they sped up, he sped up to match their pace. Web they turned onto the road leading to the farm entrance, he followed. They said that he hadnt made a sound since the main road and the cars but was still behind them. I was skeptical, and I couldn't see this guy behind us but apparently he was wearing black clothing.

We pass a small group of houses and hope that the guy is just walking (two miles at 4am) home or something. He doesn't turn off the road. We turn around in time to see him step into the light from one of the houses, and there is definitely a man walking along behind us in the middle of the road. At this point everything becomes very real. We run to my friend s farmhouse and one guy turns and legs it for the front porch. The rest of us turn into the road leading to the campsite and I grab an axe from the logging shed. We see the man approach us, but he just walks past and along the road.

After my friends house, the road continues in a steady uphill climb for about a quarter of a mile. It is perfectly straight and there is nothing along it other than fields. Afte he goes past I step into the road to take a look, but he is nowhere in sight. He is not on the road. Noone saw where he went, not even my friend in the porch.

We walked back to camp in formation, myself holding the axe at the front and scanning the fields around us. We didnt sleep that night.

We never called the police or anything, but all 6 of us saw that man walk past on the road and all of us saw the empty road only seconds later.
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
When i’ll eventually become an old creepy man, i’ll start scaring drunken teenagers on street aswell.
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 

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