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The Dealership
I'm not really sure if this should go into the suggestions forums but I think the server should bring back everything the dealership used to sell. I only just joined like a month ago but I love the server and it's kind of saddening to see that it used to sell such awesome stuff like submarines, air planes, motorcycles, even rafts and helicopters. But now it only sells cars and helicopters. I think a huge portion of the players on Home Town would love to be able to buy and use these vehicles again. It seems like it's be really fun to mess around with and show off to friends.
It's a prehistoric planet Morty.
Someone has to bring a little culture,
And It Certainly Can't Be SomeOne

If I remember right, I was told that there were some really bad bugs with some or most of the vehicles available on that plugin. I'll bet the author doesn't even keep it updated even. Right now that one is on the back burner.

[Image: 7bNhSIS.png]
I think you can buy the pack of every vehicle on the website for $40 USD.
Not sure if there is a bug with the vehicles that you cannot buy them in the dealership or if frost is still working on adding them.
Yeah, Trains would be awesome to get back, I've only had one problem with one of my trains. It seemed to have lost ownership logs.

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