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coletheoaxman ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: coletheoxman

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: LilDevilian

Why should you be unbanned: I was thoroughly enjoying the server and building an island base with my two friends. I'm willing to admit I used an X-ray texture pack, I wont deny that. The thrill of finding my first couple of diamonds got to my head and I made the idiotic choice to install the pack to find a few more. I fully understand it was in violation of the rules and I am willing to give back whatever the moderators deem fair. Obviously I'll delete the pack and wont use it ever again on your, or on any other servers.

Why do you want to come back: Its been years since I've last played Minecraft and me and my friends recently decided to pick it back up again. We chose smp.hometownmc.com for our new survival campaign and over the last few days we've been enjoying building up our base and playing together. I want to come back to simply have fun with me and my friends, building, mining, farming ect. I'll admit that I cheated, and I regret it because I value having a good time with my friends more than some stupid ores in video game. I feel I should get a second chance, and you can ban me for life if I'm ever caught cheating again.

- Thanks
Thank you for your honesty, It's appreciated.
Now, If you would like to return to the server you'll need to answer these 4 questions:

-Why is xraying bad?
-How does xraying negatively affect other players?
-How does xraying affect the servers economy?
-What have you learnt from this ban?

I expect you to answer each question with a minimum of a paragraph ( 4 sentences ). If your answers show that you understand why and how xray negatively impacts the server- You will be unbanned.
Re: LilDevilian

- Why is xraying bad?

If the ability to see through walls and instantly dig towards diamonds was a feature in the game, than this wouldn't be an issue. However theres a reason their not in the game. X-raying, and cheating for that matter, trivializes the experience of what should otherwise be a difficult, yet rewarding process. Theres a certain fulfilling feeling you get when you gaze upon your house, knowing that you had to work for each and every block. Using an X-ray pack removes this feeling, which isn't what the game is supposed to be about.

-How does xraying negatively affect other players?

By useing an X-ray texture pack, you unknowingly take away from the enjoyment of other players. The extra ores / diamonds you collect allow you an unfair advantage over the players who play legitimately. This unfair advantage might help the cheating player win a fight, build a better base and all around advance further and further. It directly impacts the experience of other players who dont rely on cheats to play the game.

-How does xraying affect the servers economy?

Like any economy, the more valuables are in circulation, the worse it makes it for everybody else. Theres a fixed rate at which players legitimately mine blocks and discover ores, than take said ores and put them into the world's economy. By cheating, you ostensibly increase the rate of the economy and decrease the value of certain items. Meaning that in order for the economy to be profitable, the price of (for example a silk touch book) must go up. For the players who don't cheat, they now need to work even harder to afford said book, and all because you made it easier for yourself.

-What have you learnt from this ban?

I learned that X-raying effects the server on a greater level than I thought. At first I assumed "Oh who cares? I live on an island in the middle of no where, who cares if I mine a few more diamonds than normal? They'll just go to waste anyway." But I realize thats not true. Even if I never used the profits of my cheating in the economy, I'm still affecting the players and the world for that matter. I also realized that using an X-ray isn't even worth it. It felt cheap when I was down in my mine, digging straight towards ores, and I'd much rather enjoy the company of my friends getting exited when we strike a vein of diamonds. Its for these reasons that I'll never use an X-ray texture pack again.
Appeal accepted, you have been unbanned. Your balance will be reset and you must had over all items gained from cheating upon returning. Thank you and welcome back.
[Image: IqEDa8l.png][Image: IgRwvbV.gif]

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