Will you acknowledge the misunderstanding that took place? I am willing to give you an honest answer to this, but you wont accept one. I told you I am not trying to debate. besides debates are not like this. This is a shooting gallery and I am the target.
Yes I have flaws, but, your misunderstanding what Is happening here. I am excessively honest, why can you just listen to what I have to say? are you afraid of what you might find out?
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There was no misunderstanding. I told you to stop and you persisted by messaging me begging for permission to argue some more. When I said stop I meant completely stop. Not stop for three minutes and start again. When someone says stop it actually means 'stop'. That was the last straw- now its gone. The end. You are not being unbanned.
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B r u h
This isn't a debate on whether I do or do not know what you said, I know what you said. Why are you still stuck on this one point? You haven't defended yourself against anything else I've thrown at you either, I don't know what you're trying to get out of this, you make it seem like I was trying to twist the original situation so lets reassess the convo, and go back a few steps.
[23:18:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> Its probably because I challenge things that I think are wrong.
[23:18:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> Just cause you think its wrong doesnt mean they are wrong
"Here's me proving my point earlier about your god complex also among other things, I stated that just because you think things are wrong, doesn't mean that it is. But you don't seem to grasp that still?"
And while YES you did indeed say "it does not that's true" You still seem to think that I was attempting to make it seem like you were trying to say something else? Rayz is correct, your whole argument is irrelevant.
I didn't understand that is what you meant. It was unclear to me, I only thought that you meant dont talk about the rules, and i didn't talk about them. I am sorry that I misunderstood what you told me.
you told me that you hold this server very dear to you. Well I hold my values very dear as well. Please try to understand. I am not trying to argue right now, just please listen to what I have and had to say.
I admit I made a mistake. I thought you were talking of something else, I am sorry for misunderstanding that. Can you accept it?
If I was such a bad person, I would not be trying to come back so hard. If I wanted to cause problems, I would come back using other means. I promise you, I wasn't and am not, trying to cause problems. If you say I was then ok, just know that I did not have bad intent for either hometown, its rules, or you.
just tell me, has anyone ever been through this much on there appeal yes still hasn't lashed out. I have not lashed out when many others would have broke down by now. That has to be worth something. I have been honest and very calm considering what I've gone through. I have been through a shooting gallery and have not lashed out at anyone, even those who hate me.
Frost told me to Let it go, and I have. I believe the server rules are good. I only thought they were too general. I am sorry I offended you.
I am going to bed, although stressed, goodnight. Ill see this sometime tomorrow.
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04-16-2018, 12:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2018, 09:55 PM by frost.)
Hey Joe,
It is rare that someone gets banned like this. This ban was not for grief, xray, or trolling. It was given to you due to your constant annoyance of the players around you and the staff team itself even after an appealed ban and multiple warnings. Since the day you were originally banned for disrespecting staff, you have continued to be an annoyance and a toxin in our community. You have questioned every pixel of the rules even going as far as conducting 2+ hour long debates with rayz and other staff members over these rules.
Now I understand that this specific moment might not have warranted a ban, but your consistent actions on the server regarding arguing/debating and your actions after already previously being banned for the same thing are very concerning and resulted in this ban. Your actions have caused a rift in our community and you have actually done damage to the mental health of our staff members. A lot of our staff and fellow community members get on here to have fun and unwind after a long day at work or school. Debates like these are very unhealthy, stressful, and just not needed on our minecraft server. I originally msged you so that you could stop and not get banned, but I'm afraid the damage was already done and you were then banned. Regardless of my opinion on the validity of the ban, the fact that your presence and actions causes stress and mental harm to our staff is unacceptable to me.
It is not often that these bans get handed out; but as the owner of the server, I feel that it is my duty to protect the players, staff, and my friends on this server. With this responsibility, I believe it is best for rayz, our staff team, and our community that you remain banned.
(reminder: it's just a game guys!)
I actually didn't talk about the rules after the first ban. There is more to it than what has been said.
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I don't think there's any point arguing any more. Frost's statement was clear.
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Boy you real deal posted a link to Grimms full on explanation of the rules asking if they're specifically for the server, and on top of that went to /warp FAQ. You did talk about the rules. You argued about the rules. You even stated yourself, in the logs I posted, that you argue against things that you think are wrong.
yeah, but I never argued against them after the first ban, I stopped by then. I was only talking about personalitys and why I did what I did before. Didn't say anything for or against them. only asked for references of them to stop future problems. somehow doing an innocent thing like that got me banned in the end.
also what the crap, I reported you inappropriate signature along time ago.
but I will talk to you no longer, you only insult and break the rules, so next reply will not be responded to.
Its not your job to try to cyber bully me either.
Not going to post on this appeal again. Any hate you have can be sent via private message.
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No, no you did none of those things that you stated, its even shown in the logs. I can pull up the whole convo if you'd like.
and yeah thats my signature, dont cream your pants
I tried speaking to you in an appropriate manner, but you only wished to argue. Once the thread became open to the public, THATS when i started insulting you, but no I have not broken any rules. Staff has given me permission to do what I've done.
It was never an appeal, have fun finding a new server.