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LWC Hints and Tips
I noted this on here before the forums were reset, and tonight caused me to remember it. There are a few commands available to the players that aren't really known about, but are extremely helpful. Here are a couple that I use quite often:

/lwc flag [flag] on/off
   Sets a flag for the door/chest/etc. The flags available are:

  • autoclose - I use this on every door I place. It automatically closes the door after about 2 seconds. (/lwc flag autoclose on/off -- default: off)
  • redstone - Allows or disables the use of redstone on the item (/lwc flag redstone on/off -- default: on)
  • hopper - Allows or disables hoppers from inserting or extracting items (/lwc flag hopper on/off -- default: on)
   There are a few other flags that you'll see if you do /lwc flag, but those aren't available to be changed by players (at least, I couldn't get magnet to work).

  Allows you to set protections or flags on multiple chests/doors/etc without having to retype the command.

With the commands above, here's an example that shows how I've used it numerous times in the week or so that I've been back:

Build a large structure with numerous doors.
punch all of the new doors
/lwc flag autoclose on
punch all of the doors again

In the above example, /lock and the /lwc command were typed a single time. You could use this same series of commands to modify multiple chests/doors/etc. For example, if you wanted to grant vil access to 10 chests quickly, you would:

/cmodify vilneas
[punch the 10 chests, without retyping /cmodify vilneas]

Hope this helps! If you have any questions feel free to ask here, or msg/mail me in-game.
I have been on ht for almost a year and didnt know half of these thanks for sharing Big Grin
Have a great day!  Angel
Hex u are so awesome and kind for sharing this thank you!
Ign : BigAssMofo

Joined HT in 2015
MIA since 2017
Back in Action: 2024


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