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Ban Appeal
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTown SMP

Minecraft name: iiPANDAAii

Reason for your ban: So I go to log on the server and it says I was banned for "theft" by derpedo or deantrbl (discord name) and I'm very confused why because I havnt been on the server for like 2-3 days. Also, the person who banned me didnt tell me what i apparently stole so this is about all I can say right now.

Who banned you: Derpedo

Why should you be unbanned: I dont recall stealing anything, and if I did it was by accident, and I have no idea why I was banned for theft. I am sorry for any trouble I cause and will for sure be more careful with my actions in the future

[b]Why do you want to come back: Its a good server, very fun, the people are fun and kind and its very fun to play on with my friend because we dont really have a game/server to play together on so we resorted to this server after some other servers we tried out.[/b]
Please follow the right format: https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3
If you have any questions regarding your ban, then include them in the appeal.
Thank you.
(10-03-2018, 04:12 AM)LilDevilian Wrote: Please follow the right format: https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3
If you have any questions regarding your ban, then include them in the appeal.
Thank you.

I did it
When fixing theft from another player, I sifted through the logs and saw a number of logs from those chests of you removing items that were not yours. After rolling it back, the numbers came out to say that you stole approximately 3000 items from these chests.

You will be unbanned on the account that you return any stolen items and you review the rules upon returning. It is strongly suggested that you take a look at the HomeTown rulebook to familiarize yourself.

You are unbanned.
[Image: g2NnfopJTvWZE_YwIlgVCA.png]

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