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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP Minecraft server

Minecraft name: itsAnimalLover

Reason for your ban: x-ray

Who banned you: Kat

Why should you be unbanned: I know this is difficult to believe but I believe it was my brother who was hacking. We share the same account on the same laptop, and I told him which servers not to play on (including hometown). However, I guess he did not listen. I have not been able to play MC most of yesterday and today because I was working on a school project, which gave him easy access to the laptop. I will happily give you all resources I have, including the ones I gathered. I truly apologize for his actions and promise I will try my best to not let this happen again. Thank you.

Why do you want to come back: I really love this server, ever since I joined it for the first time. It has a great community and is tons of fun to play on. I want to continue the plans I had for this world, including an awesome base, shop, and start my own community. I really hope you take my appeal into consideration, but if you don't, I completely understand. [Image: heart.png]
Thank you for being honest, you will need to give in everything that was mined to a staff member when you are unbanned. Firstly I would like to suggest that you tell you brother that you can not do that on this server. If this will be such an issue, I suggest maybe removing the server off of your launcher each time you finish playing.
To be certain I will need you to answer the following questions with at least 2 sentences:

Why is X-Raying wrong?
How does this affect the economy?
What have you learnt from this?
- KatNip
(10-09-2018, 10:58 PM)TheOnlyKat Wrote: Thank you for being honest, you will need to give in everything that was mined to a staff member when you are unbanned. Firstly I would like to suggest that you tell you brother that you can not do that on this server. If this will be such an issue, I suggest maybe removing the server off of your launcher each time you finish playing.
To be certain I will need you to answer the following questions with at least 2 sentences:

Why is X-Raying wrong?
How does this affect the economy?
What have you learnt from this?
Thank you so much for the second chance! I will DEFINITELY make sure he does not get on the server again.  
Why is X-Raying wrong?
X-raying gives an unfair advantage over other players. If you x-ray and gain more resources than everyone else, you are advancing quicker in a very dishonest way.

How does this affect the economy?
X-raying affects the economy because completely puts it off balance. There could be a very hard-working person, working long for their materials, but if someone if able to gain $10,000 in less than 10 minutes, it sets off the economy.
What have you learnt from this?
I have learned to be more careful of letting my brother play on there servers I play on. This incident is my fault and I must be much more cautious. I will make sure I watch when my brother comes to play and what servers he plays on. Thank you.
If you agree that all the cheated items will be taken off of you and your bal is reset, you will be unbanned.
- KatNip

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