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Ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Nilooce

Reason for your ban: Beacon Theft / Griefing

Who banned you: Guy

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because i was just messing with them and if i really wanted to grief i would have taken all the gold but being a nice person i didn't and only took the beacon and no the gold because i know how it feels to get griefed on a no griefing server and the feeling of loosing everything.I gave the beacon to the person who banned me in hopes that he would put the beacon back or give it to the person who i took it from. Im really sorry for it and if you let me onto the server again I wont ever, ever  think about griefing again.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because of the environment and how everyone is willing to help you out. you cant get that on alot of other servers that I have played. I have been also playing with one of my friends on the server because no other server we tried was good but finally found this one knowing it would be perfect for us. we both have loved the server and i have even thought about spending money on it to help the server grow. 
Alright so I was checking the beacon break logs yesterday and saw that you had taken one that did not belong to you. When I confronted you about griefing you initially tried to tell me that you did not grief, and only admitted to it when I pressed you further. Please answer these questions in 1-2 sentences each.

1) Are you allowed add/delete/harvest anybody else's built blocks (not natural), fenced in plants or fenced in animals?

2) If a player is banned can you take over their build?

3) If a build is abandoned can you remove any part of it?

4) If you accidentally break another players block what should you do?

5) Why did you steal the beacon?

6) What have you learned from this experience?
sorry for the late reply I was at school.


1.no i am not allowed to break, kill add or delete anything from someones base or kill fenced in animals or crops.
2.no you can't take over some one else's build if they are banned because they can be unbanned.
3.no you cant remove any part of a abandoned build because they could come back to the build for the blocks at any point in time.
4. if you accidentally break a block you should replace the block immediately.
5. I stole the beacon because I wanted to place it on my own land for personal gain.
6. i have learned that you shouldn't ever break a block of  someone's build and to never take anything from someone for my own personal gain.
You seem sincere, you've been unbanned. Please make sure to review the rules under /rules. Welcome back to Hometown!
(10-27-2018, 09:07 AM)thatguy3339 Wrote: You seem sincere, you've been unbanned. Please make sure to review the rules under /rules. Welcome back to Hometown!
quick question if a zombie spawner is faound by someone else but not claimed can i then claim it then break it cause its on my land??
As long as it isn't claimed, then yes that's fine, but be aware that you can't move spawners, so if you wanted to use it you should leave it where it is.

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