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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SM

Minecraft name: MBF_Gaming

Reason for your ban: X-Raying

Who banned you: Trekkie/ Amp

Why should you be unbanned: I fully understand what i did wrong and i am sincerely sorry. I did what i did (which is completely unnacceptable) in order to speed up the process of vanilla minecraft without thinking what consequences i would face for not only cheating but also ruining the experience of anyone mining without cheating. i really hope you can forgive me and let me back on the server and i promise to reread the rules more thoroughly and not cheat again. if you do unban be i will instantly giveback all the diamonds and other minerals i cheated. Finally i just want to say sorry again.

Why do you want to come back: I have put a lot of time into this server and have really enjoyed my stay, i would love if you unbanned me as me and a couple of my friends have really enjoyed playing and building on this server.
any chance i can have an answer?
Thank you for being patient. It has been a busy week for me.

Now, as for your appeal, thank you for your honesty. Please answer the following questions with at least 2 sentences each. After you have done so we will consider your ban appeal.

1) Why is X-raying wrong?
2) How does X-raying affect other players?
3) How does X-raying affect the server's economy?
4) What have you learned from this?
Developer of AdvancedGift, AdvancedAuction, and several custom HomeTown plugins.
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